Hi! Please advise me on how to correctly flash the A8 ESP32 board with esphome or tasmota firmware.
I did some projects with esphome and ESP8266 boards like nodemcu, but cant get it working on your board. Do any buttons have to be pressed on the board before flashing?
I am either getting message that socket is not open or that headers are incorrect and may be corrupted.
In order to flash the board, does it also have to be connected to 12v power or just USB is enough?
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards
PS: I am creting binary via esphome addon on home assistant and then flashing it using the Esphome flasher app on mac os.
I did some projects with esphome and ESP8266 boards like nodemcu, but cant get it working on your board. Do any buttons have to be pressed on the board before flashing?
I am either getting message that socket is not open or that headers are incorrect and may be corrupted.
In order to flash the board, does it also have to be connected to 12v power or just USB is enough?
Looking forward to your reply!
Best regards
PS: I am creting binary via esphome addon on home assistant and then flashing it using the Esphome flasher app on mac os.