02-11-2022, 12:23 PM
Nextion can work for 3.3v or 5v TTL level. can you confirm with your Nextion model what serial port level use?
if you have test with ESP32-WROOM is no problem, i think the fast way is replace the ESP32 module. Now we sell KC868-A4 board all are use by ESP32-WROOM model, not use ESP32-S. so if I test with your Nextion NX8048P050-011C-Y display, i think it also will be work fine.
about your questions-3, if you connect Nextion without SP3232EEN, you just connect to ESP32's TXD,RXD pin directly. SP3232EEN just for serial level convert, that for 3.3v->12v RS232 level.
if you have test with ESP32-WROOM is no problem, i think the fast way is replace the ESP32 module. Now we sell KC868-A4 board all are use by ESP32-WROOM model, not use ESP32-S. so if I test with your Nextion NX8048P050-011C-Y display, i think it also will be work fine.
about your questions-3, if you connect Nextion without SP3232EEN, you just connect to ESP32's TXD,RXD pin directly. SP3232EEN just for serial level convert, that for 3.3v->12v RS232 level.