03-22-2023, 09:14 AM
in furture when update firmware both will do.
when you have ST-link cable and new firware then:
1. download bootloader HEX file to STM32 CPU (use ST-link) here is video tour: https://youtu.be/MI2_qAIEt2U
2. download application BIN fimware by USB-RS232 cable to controller (use USB-RS232) cable.
when our work finished. i will send you all files.
when you have ST-link cable and new firware then:
1. download bootloader HEX file to STM32 CPU (use ST-link) here is video tour: https://youtu.be/MI2_qAIEt2U
2. download application BIN fimware by USB-RS232 cable to controller (use USB-RS232) cable.
when our work finished. i will send you all files.