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Lesson22 - add RGBW LED strip to home assistant by ESPHome

I do experience some strange issues with an led strip WS2812B . 
I configured the GPIO5 of my KC868 AIO as led data strip as you shown -  all good so far. 

I have 5V~ 60 A power supply and i'm testing 5 m of led strip. 
If i want to change the colour all the led's starts to act abnormal . 
Example i set the blue colour ,  the led strip is changing to all colours possible  . first led's are red, after that they are green, followed by blue led's and so on . 
Also any change of colour or brightness i do , all the led strip act like an random effect and when i switch off the led strip from home assistant the last led's are still on. 

Could you share from your experience what could be wrong?

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RE: Lesson22 - add RGBW LED strip to home assistant by ESPHome - by MariusM - 06-19-2023, 11:32 PM

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