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A32 Pro ESPHome yaml include RS485 modbus temperature humidity sensor
if you are using USB-RS485 adapter plugin to Pi's USB port. just find out the RXD,TXD pin.
I would like to make it work on the KC-868 AIO rs485 port using yaml code. Is it possible?

Tutorial for yaml?
sure. as same as the A32 Pro's sample yaml code.
Is there a TUTORIAL to understand how yaml works?
some basic knowledge you can search by Google.
(12-16-2024, 11:21 AM)admin Wrote: some basic knowledge you can search by Google.

For around 1000usd spent on your products, this is not the kind of aftersales expected... 
So you only support the hardware or we should buy YOUR server to get answers?

Of course there are a lot of GENERIC yaml tutorials but not specific on YOUR platform and how to integrate sensors to it..
there are many different RS485 sensor with different protocol. ONLY you know your RS485 sensor protocol, so you need according to ESPHome modbus controller for integration.We will provide directions for problem-solving, but it does not mean we will help you complete everything. Everyone needs to learn.
(12-17-2024, 11:43 PM)admin Wrote: there are many different RS485 sensor with different protocol. ONLY you know your RS485 sensor protocol, so you need according to ESPHome modbus controller for integration.We will provide directions for problem-solving, but it does not mean we will help you complete everything. Everyone needs to learn.

That is why I asked a GENERAL tutorial for yaml. I didn't ask for the pins etc.
Everytime I try to input code for anything except the original yaml it returns errors and something stops working.

I have watched more than a dozen yaml videos already but they do not help with setting up KinCony boards.
there are two demo yaml for RS485 device video tour:

i have said, you need check your rs485 sensor modbus protocol, find out the register address of your sensor, modify in yaml.
(10-08-2024, 01:51 AM)admin Wrote: modbus_controller:
  - id: modbus_sensor
    address: 0x01  # device address
    modbus_id: modbus1

  - platform: modbus_controller
    modbus_controller_id: modbus_sensor
    name: "RS485 Temperature Sensor"
    id: temperature_sensor
    address: 0x0000
    register_type: holding
    value_type: U_WORD
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    accuracy_decimals: 1
      - lambda: if (x < 10000) return x * 0.1; else return -1 * (x - 10000) * 0.1;
  - platform: modbus_controller
    modbus_controller_id: modbus_sensor
    name: "RS485 Humidity Sensor"
    id: humidity_sensor
    address: 0x0001
    register_type: holding
    value_type: U_WORD
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
    accuracy_decimals: 1
      - multiply: 0.1

How can we find:

Device address
Temp sensor address
Humidity address ?

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