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home assistant RC 2022.6 mqtt config update for configuration.yaml
do you using KC868-H32 or KC868-H32B? can you take a photo of your controller? because only KC868-H32B support MQTT.
I'm sorry, I actually use the KC868-H32B controller, in fact, if I connect to the MQTT server directly, I can see how the states of the relays and inputs are published, but I cannot act on it from the home assistant. From a third-party application such as MQTT explorer, I can modify the states of the relays by publishing directly on the MQTT server, so I understand that the problem is on the Home Asisstant side.
you can re-install your mosquito on home assistant, maybe not config mqtt broker ip correctly.
My installation is based on Docker containers, specifically with a version 1.6.15 of mosquitto.

The thing is, with the Home assistant MQTT plugin, you can publish to the MQTT server as you can see in the attached video, and it works.

In the same way, I have configured a KC868-H32B relay to do the tests, and when pressing the relay, it is seen how it publishes the set correctly in the MQTT server but the relay does not change state.

I hope this makes it easier to understand my problem. I'm sure it's stupid but I can't figure it out

It is very curious

Attached Files Image(s)
I just realized that there is a newer version of the KC868-H32B firmware, which just addresses issues with MQTT.

I will update the firmware and will post will try again.

As soon as I have done it I will tell you the results.
ok, in furture when you post photo, please click "insert to" button, so that will add to article, auto size the photo.
ok, sorry, the forums are new to me.

The problem was in the firmware version of the KC868-H32B, updating to version 4.44 already solved the problem and it works perfectly.

I hope this information can be useful to other people.

thanks again and greetings.
ok, you are welcome.

How can the original KC868-Hx (1st versions) be integrated in homeassistant, since they won't work with mqtt?
the old version not support MQTT, not suggest integrate to home assistant, that will not very easy.

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