03-17-2024, 08:44 PM
Hi, i'va a problem with ha v2 and an esp32 with esphome firmware.
i'll attach the yaml file and the esphome log file. i think there is something wrong in the yaml file because with the ha control software the unit works well.
you can see the startup of the ha v2 and me trying to turno on and off the switches from home assistant.
every time the crc check is failing.
what am i doing wrong?
Thank you very much
i'll attach the yaml file and the esphome log file. i think there is something wrong in the yaml file because with the ha control software the unit works well.
you can see the startup of the ha v2 and me trying to turno on and off the switches from home assistant.
every time the crc check is failing.
what am i doing wrong?
Thank you very much
name: wt32-rs485
friendly_name: wt32-rs485
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
# Enable logging
# baud_rate: 0
- source:
type: git
url: https://github.com/hzkincony/esphome-kc868-ha
ref: v3.0.0
- id: myuart1
tx_pin: 17
rx_pin: 5
baud_rate: 9600
# Enable Home Assistant API
# ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
# password: !secret wifi_password
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
# ap:
# ssid: "Wt32-Rs485 Fallback Hotspot"
# password: "RdQ2lmIEtDPg"
type: LAN8720
mdc_pin: GPIO23
mdio_pin: GPIO18
clk_mode: GPIO0_IN
phy_addr: 1
power_pin: GPIO16
- platform: ethernet_info
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1 # Default value is 1, corresponds to the Target Relay Controller Addr parameter in HA485_Ctrl software
switch_adapter_addr: 10 # Default value is 10, corresponds to the Switch Adapter Addr parameter in HA485_Ctrl software
bind_output: 1 # Corresponds to the BindOutput parameter in HA485_Ctrl software
name: "binary_sensor 1"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 2
name: "binary_sensor 2"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 3
name: "binary_sensor 3"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 4
name: "binary_sensor 4"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 5
name: "binary_sensor 5"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 6
name: "binary_sensor 6"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 1
name: "switch 1"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 2
name: "switch 2"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 3
name: "switch 3"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 4
name: "switch 4"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 5
name: "switch 5"
- platform: kc868_ha
target_relay_controller_addr: 1
switch_adapter_addr: 10
bind_output: 6
name: "switch 6"
INFO ESPHome 2023.8.2
[18:16:24][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive df:eb:ff:ff:7e:77:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:7d:f3:ff:f7:eb:ff:fe:5e
[18:16:24][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=fe:5e, calc crc=b6:8a
[18:16:24][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:27][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive ff:ff:ef:f3:ef:cf:fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f1:cf:ff:df:ff:bd
[18:16:27][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=ff:bd, calc crc=18:f2
[18:16:27][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:29][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 7f:ff:ff:fb:e7:ce:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:78:f4:7f:f7:ff:ff
[18:16:29][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=ff:ff, calc crc=b:26
[18:16:29][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:32][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 7f:f7:eb:ff:f3:fe:d3:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f5:8f:ff:ff:eb:ff
[18:16:32][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=eb:ff, calc crc=b5:63
[18:16:32][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:33][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 7f:ff:ff:f3:e7:37:fb:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:e1:cf:ff:7f:ff:eb
[18:16:33][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=ff:eb, calc crc=c5:6a
[18:16:33][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:34][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive df:ff:eb:ff:ff:ef:35:f9:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:e9:8f:ff:ff:f7:eb:ff:f3
[18:16:34][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=ff:f3, calc crc=b1:52
[18:16:34][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:35][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive df:eb:fb:e7:35:fb:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:f9:df:ff:ff:eb:ff
[18:16:35][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=eb:ff, calc crc=f9:99
[18:16:35][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:36][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive df:ff:eb:ff:f3:7e:5b:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:78:e4:f7:eb:df:5f:fb
[18:16:36][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=5f:fb, calc crc=cb:32
[18:16:36][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:37][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive ff:ff:ff:f3:e7:bd:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:e1:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
[18:16:37][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=ff:ff, calc crc=68:d5
[18:16:37][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:37][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 7f:ff:eb:be:5e:5b:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:79:ee:7f:f7:fb:ff:f3:de
[18:16:37][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=f3:de, calc crc=2a:71
[18:16:37][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:16:50][D][switch:012]: 'switch 1' Turning ON.
[18:16:50][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:4b
[18:16:50][D][switch:055]: 'switch 1': Sending state ON
[18:16:50][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
[18:16:50][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:1, calc crc=41:25
[18:16:50][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:02][D][switch:016]: 'switch 1' Turning OFF.
[18:17:02][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:f1:8b
[18:17:02][D][switch:055]: 'switch 1': Sending state OFF
[18:17:02][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
[18:17:02][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:0, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:02][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:07][D][switch:012]: 'switch 1' Turning ON.
[18:17:07][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:30:4b
[18:17:07][D][switch:055]: 'switch 1': Sending state ON
[18:17:07][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1
[18:17:07][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:1, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:07][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:09][D][switch:016]: 'switch 1' Turning OFF.
[18:17:09][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:f1:8b
[18:17:09][D][switch:055]: 'switch 1': Sending state OFF
[18:17:09][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
[18:17:09][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:0, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:09][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:10][D][switch:012]: 'switch 2' Turning ON.
[18:17:10][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2:70:4a
[18:17:10][D][switch:055]: 'switch 2': Sending state ON
[18:17:10][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:2
[18:17:10][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:2, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:10][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:11][D][switch:016]: 'switch 2' Turning OFF.
[18:17:11][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:f1:8b
[18:17:11][D][switch:055]: 'switch 2': Sending state OFF
[18:17:11][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
[18:17:11][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:0, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:11][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:17][D][switch:012]: 'switch 3' Turning ON.
[18:17:17][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:4:f0:48
[18:17:17][D][switch:055]: 'switch 3': Sending state ON
[18:17:17][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:4
[18:17:18][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:4, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:18][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data
[18:17:18][D][switch:016]: 'switch 3' Turning OFF.
[18:17:18][D][kc868_ha.component:131]: uart bus send 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:f1:8b
[18:17:18][D][switch:055]: 'switch 3': Sending state OFF
[18:17:18][D][kc868_ha.component:019]: uart bus receive 1:3:12:55:bb:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0
[18:17:18][D][kc868_ha.component:030]: uart crc=0:0, calc crc=41:25
[18:17:18][W][kc868_ha.component:033]: crc check failed. ignore data