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KC868-M16v2 configure yaml for ESPhome

My KC868-M16-V2.1 is arrived today.

I'm trying to configuring it through Home Assistant (this worked fined for the M30 model). I can upload the yaml by USB, and the node is getting nicely his IP from the WIFI network. Home Assistant can find the node, and adds it in his config (manually by IP). But I'm only getting 1 entity for this node?

When I check the logs, I've got the feeling that the M16 isn't doing anything? In the M30 logs, I've got more activity.
See the print screen, it just 'hangs' there.
Also the display on the board isn't lighted up, no text with other words.

Any idea what I can do to solve this?


And my yaml file for reference:

.txt   yaml.txt (Size: 9.65 KB / Downloads: 150)

ps Do I only need to upload the files into my home assistant server? Or do I need to do anything else with this? Transfer them manually to the M16? If so, any tip how?
if you use wifi with M16v2 board, do you have installed wifi antena? take a photo of your board.
(05-29-2024, 10:39 PM)admin Wrote: if you use wifi with M16v2 board, do you have installed wifi antena? take a photo of your board.

No antenna, didn't get an antenna with the package?
I'll check this evening if I've got somewhere an antenna that fits the connector... 
On the other hand, I see a good ping result (the board is about 3 meters from the Access Point).

If you think that this can be the reason, I can also always check with a wired network connectivity.
we suggest to use ethernet, the product without wifi antena. if you want to use wifi, now you have not installed wifi antena. find a IPEX extender wifi antena to use, will be solved.
(05-30-2024, 06:36 AM)admin Wrote: we suggest to use ethernet, the product without wifi antena. if you want to use wifi, now you have not installed wifi antena. find a IPEX extender wifi antena to use, will be solved.

With a WIFI antenna it started working (after reloading the yaml file)!

ok, good.
hi forum, i want to share this tip:

there was a warning spamming my log and making it harder to read important stuff:
"component display ssd1306_i2c took a long time for an operation"

i solved it by adding frequency configuration to i2c:

  sda: 4
  scl: 5
  scan: true
  id: bus_a
  frequency: 400kHz
Hi @admin
I got KC868-m16v2
HOw can I get direct value bbyusin IP address of the KC868-M16v2
Suppose If I wants to get value for sensor m16v2-current-1
you need config by ESPHome, download firmware to board.
if you want use web browser to monitor all current data. Just enable web server function in ESPHome yaml file.
here is ESPHome yaml for KC868-M16v2:
Hello, my KC868-M16v2 arrived yesterday (great product!) and I was able to get it updated through ESPHome and connected to Home Assistant without issue. However, I'm in the US and (1) have a few 220V devices that I would like to measure, meaning I need to combine two of the CT Clamp sensors into a single value in Home Assistant for power monitoring and (2) would like to measure the input of power coming from the meter on the first two clamps. How would I go about updating the ESP YAML to achieve this so that it can display accurately in Home Assistant Energy?

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