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KC868-E16T wiring diagram
Hi everyone!

Can use the E16T as standalone controller (without any other smart controller for example H32 pro) for my shutter motors?

If yes, could you make me a wiring diagram for shutter/curtain motors?

Thank you for the answer in advanve.
sure, you can use two relay control one motor of shutter/curtain. then set "INTERLOCK" for E16T, so that two relay will not ALL ON at the same time to protect motor.
(06-29-2024, 01:37 AM)admin Wrote: sure, you can use two relay control one motor of shutter/curtain. then set "INTERLOCK" for E16T, so that two relay will not ALL ON at the same time to protect motor.

Thank you very much for the fast reply. Sounds great.

For schematic, NO1 would be forward NO2 would be backward and both COM would be live Line (220V)?
do your motor is AC220v?
(06-30-2024, 12:53 PM)admin Wrote: do your motor is AC220v?

Yes it is. Normal, switching shutter motors AC220v.

Another question: there are motors here with safety stop function. That means the shutter stops if the motor recognize an obstacle. Does the E16T know the new switching state by a safety stop or forces the motor to close/open the shutter?

Or should I take the normal switching motors without safety stop and Tell my wife She should not place any flower near the Windows? :d
NO1 would be forward NO2 would be backward and both COM would be live Line (220V)? Yes
E16T don't know when your motor stopped. But you can set AUTO OFF time for every relay, such as after 30 second will auto off. the time need you test with your shutter, how much time when it begin stop.
(06-30-2024, 10:25 PM)admin Wrote: NO1 would be forward NO2 would be backward and both COM would be live Line (220V)?    Yes
E16T don't know when your motor stopped. But you can set AUTO OFF time for every relay, such as after 30 second will auto off.  the time need you test with your shutter, how much time when it begin stop.

Okay, thank you for all. Now I dont hesitate anymore to buy the E16T. Wink

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