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Unable to Turn "Off" or "ON" via KC868 CON and 32 Relay board Controller via RS232
Dear Sir.

I need some help. 

The videos shown on all the YouTube are connected directly to either Relay Board Controller Hx or Directly to The KC868 CON.
I have connected the H32 Relay Controller via a RS232 to the KC868 CON. When I use your Application as per below screenshot and click the Relay it works well as it turns on the relay at the Relay Board H32.


But when I use NodeRed and connect it and follow your video on how to control a switch to switch on a light or off it does not work. I have set the NodeRed based on the YouTube video. When I press the button on the iPhone I can see that on the debug message shows  payload "On" or "Of" are sent and I have placed the debug after the "Function" node to see if the payloads get to the TCP OUT node. 
Based on the Debug after the "Function" node, there are payloads coming but it does not turn the Relay "On" or "Off" via the KC868 CON to the 32 Relay Controller Board via RS232.

The difference is I have a KC868 Controller connected to the 32 relay board via a RS232 cable compared to your video where you only have the RedNode connected to the 32 Relay Controller Board.


Please advise why I cannot connect to the 32 Relay Controller via the KC868 CON controlling from RedNode?

Thank You

1. what's your KC868-H32 relay board's IP and Port?
2. Do you KC868-H32 relay board set the network work mode = "TCP Server"?

if you connect KC868-H32 with KC868-COL logical controller by RS232 , it's no problem. because KC868-H32 relay board can work by ethernet and RS232 at the same time. You Node-Red just send command by ethernet is ok.
At last ,make sure all your device and your PC and your Node-Red (maybe in Raspberry Pi) in one network with your router.
Dear Sir.

I did not configure the KC868-H32 relay because I have connected the KC868-COL logical controller via RS232.
Also when i use the Application that you have provided to monitor sensors and switch on the relay it works.

Do I have to also configure the KC868-H32 relay board to have WiFi access?
Thank You

Do you use KC868-H32W or KC868-H32? W is wifi version, need to config wifi ssid and password firstly.
because you connect with KC868-COL , it's use by RS232 , so not need to config anything. But if use network communication, you should config firstly.
Can you take a photo of your controller? I need to know what model you have used.
Dear Sir 

Please find the picture.

Attached Files Image(s)
Thank You

OK, this photo is KC868-H32B, newest hardware, both have ethernet and wifi.
Now which do you want to use by Node-Red? Wifi or ethernet port?
(10-27-2020, 02:14 PM)admin Wrote: OK, this photo is KC868-H32B, newest hardware, both have ethernet and wifi.
Now which do you want to use by Node-Red? Wifi or ethernet port?

Hi Sir.

I want to use WiFi. Now only the KC868-COL is configured to WiFi.
Thank You

I have seen your KC868-COL 's IP is . So now your Node TCP OUT is connect with KC868-COL, not connect with KC868-H32B directly. If use "TCP OUT" node, need connect to KC868-H32B directly.
1: config wifi ssid and password of your router's . this is guide how to do:
2: at wifi LPT230 config website:
in "Other Setting"-- "Protocol" set to "TCP Server"
Port ID: you can write any , such as 5555
Then save and restart.

in Node-Red "TCP OUT" node, set "Connect to " H32B's wifi ip , port =5555
3: work well!
Dear Sir.

Ok will test new configuration.
Thank You

ok, if use ethernet will easier.

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