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"KCS" v2.4.6 firmware for M30 AC Energy Meter
Here is "KCS" firmware for KinCony M30 AC energy meter board.
Download fimrware by USB-C cable via ESP32 Download Tool.
firmware BIN file download: 
.zip (Size: 735.42 KB / Downloads: 158)
ESP32 Download tool download link
KCS firmware for M30
Monitor all channels for Current, Voltage, Power, Energy, Frequency, chip Temperature
setting for MQTT-1 and MQTT-2. MQTT-1 connect to your own private MQTT cloud server. MQTT-2 use for home assistant MQTT broker. If you want to use Auto Discovery function, just enable it.
M30 can be auto discovery in home assistant.
all KinCony M30 entities use in home assistant directly.
Hi, Can you adapt this firmware for all KCS firmware compatible devices ? 
it would be awesome
will adapt for new models.
(09-02-2024, 01:59 PM)admin Wrote: will adapt for new models.

Will there be a version for the M16 plate?
no new firmware for M16
(09-28-2024, 12:54 AM)administracja Wrote: brak nowego oprogramowania dla M16
Is there any older software for the M16 available?
just config by ESPHome, no other software.

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