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Publishing payload_available or payload_not_available topic

I recently made a device with KC868-H32b that allows me to communicate with HA. It works as expected, 

and I am able to send and reserve messages to and from the KC868-H32b.

The issue I am facing is that when the KC868-H32b is unplugged from power  

HA remembers the last known state the KC868-H32b was in, rather than updating the front end to show that the device has 

gone offline.

So, Is it possible to publish custom topic on kc868-h32b?

For example. 

payload_available and payload_not_available 

Thank you
topic only one. if you want to search relay state, you can send query command to get all relay state.
now the default is remember last relay state, if you don't want remember, you can change "retained" property to "false"
(10-23-2021, 02:03 PM)admin Wrote: topic only one. if you want to search relay state, you can send query command to get all relay state.
now the default is remember last relay state, if you don't want remember, you can change "retained"  property to "false"

Thank you!! I will check and try..

Have nice day!

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