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Digital inputs....
Hello everyone, 
I have a question concerning digital inputs. 
I have a RV, motorhome, that I would like to monitor.
So is it possible to provide 12vdc to the digital input. 
Actually, it depends on the battery voltage , but it can probably reach up to 14.7 volt dc. 

Will the digital input accept max of 14.7 volt. 

Thank you
John A
if you using KC868-A series board , no problem, you can use it.
I do have the same question for the KC868-A4 board.

I see the board uses el357 optocoupler on the digital inputs but I found no information on the accepted input voltage.

Can you provide any information?

I have a doorbell that output 12DC when ringing and I want to connect it to one of the Digital Input. Will it work ?
What is the minimum and maximum input voltage the digital input can safely get to activate the input ?

Thank you
Digital Inputs - Supports Dry contact or voltage in.
(dc 0-12V).
Logical “0” : dc 0-4V
Logical “1” : dc 6-12V
I have the KC868-A8-V1.6

I'd like to bring in 24v and 48v inputs into the digital in. Can I bring this in directly, or should I put in a resistor or resistor divider?

The voltages are 24vdc +-10% and 48vdc +-10%

Thank you!
no, it will broken your board. KC868-A8 use 12V power supply, The digital input ports use 0V or 12V for different logical "1" and "0".
(11-06-2024, 11:58 PM)admin Wrote: no, it will broken your board. KC868-A8 use 12V power supply, The digital input ports use 0V or 12V for different logical "1" and "0".

how can  i connect wiegand reader in this board (Wiegand reader need 2 inputs DATA0 and DATA1 and i was work ur (2 channel esp32 4G relay board – KC868-A2 models) and i can connect  only one wiegand reader(GPIO 1 and GPIO2) Dry contacts doesnt work for me beacuse  Optokuplör.
KC868-A2 have only 2 free gpio, use by one wiegand device.
(02-10-2025, 03:03 PM)admin Wrote: KC868-A2 have only 2 free gpio, use by one wiegand device.
Can you tell me which model uses an optocoupler and its speed?
all our controller, digital input ports with optocoupler, the speed need check with optocoupler's datasheet.

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