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Issues with KinCony ESP32-S3-WROOM-1U N16R8 Core Development Board
Hi guys, 

I am having issues with programming this module in arduino. 
1. need possibly a demo code to get the ethernet to work and how to work with its inbuilt adc, 
2.Also, the demo code in arduinoide for other features such as rs485 and co would be good as well. 
3. Can i connect a display screen to the socket for the 4g modemand hope i canalso use the port for sd card module for dat logging purposes. 

Pleas note, number one is urgent and most important to me. 
1. you can check Arduino demo code in our forum, just board use by esp32-s3 chip. so code also can work with S3 board, just change pin define.
2. if you have serial port displayer. you can connect to 4G socket's RXD,TXD free gpio. if you use i2c display, you can connect with i2c extender terminal.
i cant seem to see any arduino code for this module on the forum. 
COuld you point me to one?
such as you can see the B16M controller, also ues by ESP32-S3:

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