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Additional GPIO

I have two questions. 
First question, I have damaged the GPIO1 by having to many volts. It probably reached 7-8 volts. I'm using GPIO 1 and GPIO 2 as pulse counters. GPIO1 stopped working and will not read any more pulses. GPIO 2 still works. 

Are there any additional GPIO that I can use for pulse counting. I'm not using Wi-Fi, 485, or SIM module. If it's possible, where are the additional GPIOs located? And will be using a voltage divider to drop voltage down to 1 volt.

Second question, for the digital inputs. I was hoping it would trigger with 12volts. But it seems it will only trigger with ground. The reasoning is that i am using this in a camper van and I get 12-14volt DC as trigger. But it doesnt trigger, only with ground. 

Thanks again, 
John A
[Image: KC868-A4S-1_04.jpg]
1. on the right bottom GREEN terminal, there is GPIO1 and GPIO2 port connect with ESP32 pins directly, so this can use for read pulse.
2. if you download KCS firmware, there is INPUT webpage, can invert the logical of INPUT, so that use 12v for TRUE.
(Yesterday, 12:32 PM)admin Wrote: [Image: KC868-A4S-1_04.jpg]
1. on the right bottom GREEN terminal, there is GPIO1 and GPIO2 port connect with ESP32 pins directly, so this can use for read pulse.
2. if you download KCS firmware, there is INPUT webpage, can invert the logical of INPUT, so that use 12v for TRUE.

Thank you for your response... 
Those GPIO are the ones i am using currently. I damaged GPIO 1 , is there another i can use except for GPIO2 , to use as a pulse. 

I'm a little confused on second answer. Im currently using ESPHOME. Am i still able to use KCS firmware as well as ESPHOME , to invert the logical INPUT. 

Thank you again. 
John A
ESPHome or KCS all have "inverted" option for digital input port. 
for example, here is KCS input setting webpage: the "Reverse Level", you can check it.
[Image: input-webpage.png]

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