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K868-A16 433 RF MHz receiver
1. when press remoter's button, whether have signal at RF receiver module's "DATA" pin.
2. when press remoter's button, whether have signal at ESP32's GPIO2 pin.
I made the test and filmed two clips. Also I measured frequency, when one button is pressed on remote, and when is no pressed. No change. Both test was made on DATA pin and GPIO2.

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your receiver have a "CS" pin, please see user manual of receiver, whether need give this "CS" a level. it's different from ours. can't directly to use, maybe you need let the "CS" hang in the air, connect with GND or VCC, this need according to your receiver manual.
I ordered more RF receivers just like the ones that came with the original equipped board, they will probably be here in a few days.
When they come, I'll do new tests and tell you what's going on.
ok, i think you can also test with original receiver module, because now you have a oscilloscope, just test "DATA" pin whether have signal output.
I tested again your module, is still defective.

Today received another 5 RF receivers. Tested all of them. From 5, 2 are defective, the rest of 3 working.

Maybe is a good idea for you in future, to test all this RF modules before mounted on the PCB, since many of them coming defective from factory.

Problem solved. Thank you for your help and patience.
thanks for your suggestion, Maybe the inductance coil was squeezed during transportation.
I think you need to change the remoter. since you already tried changing the receiver code and it didn't work or you can simply visit the service center.
Why to change remoter? Is working now, the problem was RF receiver module. If you read entire post will see what was the problem.
I have finally received my KC868-A16 including RF.
Where to solder on the antenna and which to use in which module

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