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KC868-H32 controlled by Raspberry pi
I have KC868-H32 (2020 year)
And raspberry pi 3B+

some qestions
1) What firmware should I have to controll from RPi 
2) Can I upload new firmware via VircomTool on KC868-H32 ?
3) the next steps are the same as for 32B? like this
1. use H32 original firmware is ok.
2. no new firmware for update.
3. H32B use MQTT for integration. if H32, use TCP for integration. we have video tour on our YouTube channel.
THere is no correct info for my case.
How can I Use TCP and Rasp Pi?
Your case is for mqtt using.
please give more wide info
so there were problems with connection

so we did via

so I changed Work mode for TCP server

1) now I have a new problem - THe app Smart Home can not see relay.
If I add relay againg - no adding in the app. No relay in the app Smart Home. It shows Offline in Host settrings

How to solve it?

2) THen, when I use my PC for control - I Use LAN mode (LAN connecting). And when I set timers - they don't execute. How to solve it?
1. "KinCony smart home" need work mode= UDP, that need for local server. if you changed to "TCP Server" , that is work for local network, so "KinCony smart home " will can't work.

2. if you using PC timer setting, that PC software need work mode="TCP Server", if using timer, need your PC always power on. I think you can upload a screen photo that your timer setting.
(04-09-2022, 10:25 PM)admin Wrote: 1. "KinCony smart home" need work mode= UDP, that need for local server. if you changed to "TCP Server" , that is work for local network, so "KinCony smart home " will can't work.

2. if you using PC timer setting, that PC software need work mode="TCP Server", if using timer, need your PC always power on. I think you can upload a screen photo that your timer setting.
Please see photo
I stay in prog - nothing happens
also I exit the prog - nothing happens - timers don't execute

Attached Files Image(s)
do you have whatsapp number or skype, we can use anydesk remote control your pc to help you.

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