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you only have KC868-H32B, two connections are for H32B and COLB. this software need set work mode="TCP Server". please check your setting.
(03-01-2022, 11:53 PM)admin Wrote: you only have KC868-H32B, two connections are for H32B and COLB. this software need set work mode="TCP Server". please check your setting.

I don't have COLB only H32B and terminal switch board, but the wifi mode is TCP server and ethernet is mqtt.
your PC config file is not correct, you can paste here.
(02-25-2022, 10:45 PM)ahmed Wrote: Scene not working in both original mobile and other shared mobile ( see attached log file as you suggested in item 3).
4. followed the video and used restore configure data from original phone not update the new name channels in the original phone ( see attached log file as you suggested in item 3)
6. Kbox-pad installed not able to communicate with the controller no input configuration to select and communicate with the desired controller using ip and port pls see attached photo

Thanks gor new firmware provided to update He2B controller now accept scene 
All on
All off
All off except certain channel to be on.

Can i extend the scene to more now 
Can i switch on and off with time delay each channel?
Can i use my current location sun set time to switch on certain channels and keep not selected off or at the same condition?
And vice versa
Can i use my current location sun rise time to switch off certain channels and keep not selected on?
Can i programme certain days weekly for certain channel on and other off

Regarding the 6 input of controllers are there like a dry contact for any voltage dc or ac to switch on/off this input ?
Thank you
Eng. Ahmed Abdelkarim
Can i extend the scene to more now

---- Yes, you can create many scene mode.

Can i switch on and off with time delay each channel?

---- delay not support by KBOX now, but use by "kincony smart home" app support insert "delay" time.

Can i use my current location sun set time to switch on certain channels and keep not selected off or at the same condition? And vice versa

---- suggest use home assistant application to do this.

Can i use my current location sun rise time to switch off certain channels and keep not selected on?

---- suggest use home assistant application to do this.

Can i programme certain days weekly for certain channel on and other off

---- "kincony smart home" app support this

Regarding the 6 input of controllers are there like a dry contact for any voltage dc or ac to switch on/off this input ?

---- 6 input ports use for dry contact device or DC 0-12v device input. if input <4V is logical "0" , if input >6V is logical "1"
Please confirm and solve the current/ previous discussion:-
1- the load less than 4A each , then based on last trail with you no need to relay and load connected directly to H32B 220 v .
Then in this case no need for RC snabber.
Please confirm 
2. The kbox can control the H32B but i can't connect to the H32B web page
The ip scan is showing ip is
But the web page give error!
How can i rest the H32B to factory setting?
1. whether need add RC snubber according to your load. if connect with a AC contact load, (coin inside, inductive load type) , then need add RC snubber. it according to AC or DC load and load type. because inductive load will have interference when ON/OFF.
2. your computer and H32B should in same local network. what's your computer IP address?
(07-21-2022, 11:41 PM) Wrote: Please confirm and solve the current/ previous discussion:-
1- the load less than 4A each , then based on last trail with you no need to relay and load connected directly to H32B 220 v .
Then in this case no need for RC snabber.
Please confirm 
2. The kbox can control the H32B but i can't connect to the H32B web page
The ip scan is showing ip is
But the web page give error!
How can i rest the H32B to factory setting?

Follow the instructions in this video. it will tell you how to scan the ethernet IP address and go to the web page to set parameters.


The principle is simple: Connect the network cable, open the scanning software, search for device IP addresses in the same LAN, copy the IP addresses, and open the web page to enter the setting page
if you want to use KBOX,the the WorkMode to tcp server and the ip mode set to static(can't conflict),alse you can set wifi to TCP server mode ,then the port maybe is 5555 not 4196,and the iP mode alse set to static
if you want to use smart home app via ethernet ,then set ethernet work mode to UDP,and ip mode to DHCP, and use KBOX via WIFI,then set wifi work mode to TCP server
if you want to use KBOX via MQTT,then set the ethernet work mode to MQTT,input the server iP an port.
please find attached the configuration reset it

come to

i fixed the ethernet to mqtt static
wifi to TCP server DHCP

please review and confirm the configuration is correct to use KBox through and without internet on the 4G

Attached Files
.pdf   H32B Graden web page config and controller - 20220723 to Kincony.pdf (Size: 650.79 KB / Downloads: 341)
Can't send video here due to size, send problem here with details and attachement are very very difficult and time consuming, send the specific problem in whatsapp are more friendly user no size limit and save time.
I sent to whatsapp support the video for controller
Yellow beside dc input 
Power on red
White is flashing contious
Green for internet wifi

See video on whatsapp aupport

Attached Files Image(s)

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