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KC868-AK Firmware
i have said, when you have free time, we need use "anydesk" have a look.
I am curious what are you going to check that cannot be shared to me so I would try by myself first ? because I followed instruction and unfortunately bootloader cannot be detected even I did it successfully many times before Sad

I have another 32 channel controller, but older model (KC868-H32L) and I just tried and it works well


one more thing that I noticed when upgrading the bootloader, when I did open the file the there a lot of following errors

i have said many times, need to remote check. if you think not well, ok, just by yourself. i will not reply again.
I just need to know what you are going to check, I can do it by myself much faster than wait when it will  be possible to do the remote session. Please also provide explanation of the errors?
I followed your instructions, uploaded .hex file that you send me and as result I have a brick. are you sure that provided .hex file is meant for KC868-H32B? For some reason on the controller board is written KC868-H32 instead of KC868-H32B.
i send you firmware HEX file again now.

.zip (Size: 5.11 KB / Downloads: 175)
thanks a lot,

is it ok that I am getting following warning after I open the file in the tool?

FILE : line 310: Address 0x1348 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x1349 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x134A is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x134B is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x134C is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x134D is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x134E is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 310: Address 0x134F is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1350 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1351 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1352 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1353 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1354 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1355 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1356 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1357 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1358 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x1359 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x135A is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x135B is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x135C is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x135D is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x135E is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 311: Address 0x135F is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 312: Address 0x1360 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 312: Address 0x1361 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 312: Address 0x1362 is out of range and is ignored!
FILE : line 312: Address 0x1363 is out of range and is ignored!

here is the programming output

< File successfully loaded. File Checksum 0x0
> Programming OPTION BYTE area...

Removing *READ PROTECTION* option, this will ERASE all the device flash memory!

< OPTION BYTE programming completed.
> Verifying OPTION BYTE area...
< OPTION BYTE successfully verified.
> Erasing section [8000000-803FFFF] of PROGRAM MEMORY area...
Mass Erasing device...
Blank Checking device...
< PROGRAM MEMORY successfully erased and blank checked.
> Erasing section [8000000-803FFFF] of PROGRAM MEMORY area...
Mass Erasing device...
Blank Checking device...
< PROGRAM MEMORY successfully erased and blank checked.
> Programming section [8000000-803FFFF] of PROGRAM MEMORY area...
Programming skipped from address 0x8000000 to 0x800FFFF because trying to program erased value
Programming skipped from address 0x8010000 to 0x801FFFF because trying to program erased value
Programming skipped from address 0x8020000 to 0x802FFFF because trying to program erased value
Programming skipped from address 0x8030000 to 0x803FFFF because trying to program erased value
< PROGRAM MEMORY programming completed.
> Verifying section [8000000-803FFFF] of PROGRAM MEMORY area...
< PROGRAM MEMORY successfully verified.
> Programming OPTION BYTE area...
< OPTION BYTE programming completed.
> Verifying OPTION BYTE area...
< OPTION BYTE successfully verified.

I am afraid that there is no difference between two files, only naming. The behavior is same, as result bootloader cannot be detected Sad
any update regarding the bootloader errors? Unfortunately I have no another module to try and lights and jalousies because of that does not work in my house!
i have said many times, use "anydesk" remote help you!
could you at least explain the errors/warnings that I see or send the correct .hex file so the in the logs there would be the same behaviour as on video!!??
(07-12-2023, 10:48 PM)v1rtus Wrote: I am curious what are you going to check that cannot be shared to me so I would try by myself first ? because I followed instruction and unfortunately bootloader cannot be detected even I did it successfully many times before Sad

I have another 32 channel controller, but older model (KC868-H32L) and I just tried and it works well

one more thing that I noticed when upgrading the bootloader, when I did open the file the there a lot of following errors

you should choose PROGRAM MEMORY then open the hex file,i  think you was import the hex file in OPTION BYTE  so it show the wrong message.    

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