Hi, i just bought KS868-A16 Rev1.6 and i have problems connecting a serial LCD.
Port connected P19
LCD-serial controller PC8574T
LCD model 20x4
Testet whith 3,3V also whith 5V
Scan whith Arduino i2c scanner no results.
LCD tested on Arduino Uno is ok.
KC868-A16 tested whith a simplet test IO ok.
Try whith simple Arduino examples i2c LCD
Try wired the LCD examples SCL/SDA to IO 4/5
Any help please?
(07-20-2023, 02:52 PM)admin Wrote: A16 board already have I2C extender on PCB.
i really don't understand your question. you said your LCD is serial, now you said it's I2C LCD?
This is a standard LCD, the 20x4
It has a 8574 on board to be able to use it as a I2C device.
i2C is serial data.