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SERVER-MINI PCB python test code
these python code use for test KinCony Server-Mini PCB hardware. you can test it locally or use remote login by putty tool. before test, install Raspberry Pi OS on SD card or eMMC (if your CM4 with eMMC)

.pdf   SERVER-MINI_test_python_code .pdf (Size: 1 MB / Downloads: 321)

.zip (Size: 3.08 MB / Downloads: 442)

.zip (Size: 9.9 MB / Downloads: 236)
if you could please help me.
I bought Raspberry Pi CM4-Server KinCony-Mini from the site.
How to install on CM4 CM4002000)Raspberry?

Thank you
How to install on CM4 CM4002000)Raspberry?
what's your means? install CM4 to KinCony PCB? or intsall software on CM4?
Sorry, install software on CM4
what software you want to install? such install home assistant?
"raspberry pi OS" software, as in the 6/24/2023 video "Raspberry Pi4 relay module for Home Automation System IoT Project".
In the video insert the card; I ask if to install the "raspberry pi OS" software on the CM4, on the card, the procedure you use.
(.I have already installed the OS system on another raspberry p4, I ask if it is the same procedure)
Thank you
I have installed raspberry OS, ok...I have problem with file json of example nodered...thank you for your patience.
yes, it's same procedure, just some times enable the BOOT jumper on the PCB.
if you want to install Node-Red, very easy, just one command:
bash <(curl -sL

details see here:

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