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automation not working properly with KCS V2.1.2
Hello, how are you? I have a KC868-A8 device with firmware version kcsV2.1.2, and I'm experiencing issues with the automation not working properly. I have a water level sensor that is not responding to the automation commands, although it is able to read the water level accurately.

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make sure you have "enabled" IFTTT command. because i can't see your option in your photo.
if already "enabled", then you can use this uart tool to monitor USB port, that can see LOG. when you trigger. take a screen photo of LOG.

.zip (Size: 468.4 KB / Downloads: 164)
serial port baud is 115200bps.
yes i enabled  IFTTT command , pls how to use uart tool ?
PC connect to board by USB cable. open serial tool is ok.
I (125957854) ifttt: run ifttt rule :2 
I (125963054) ifttt: run ifttt rule :2 
I (126003774) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126007789) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126019824) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126026844) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126027855) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126034875) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126035885) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126038895) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126039906) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126042915) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126043925) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126046935) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126047946) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126050958) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126051130) web_server: close() fd (58) success.
E (126051214) sensor: DS18B20 read error
I (126054219) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126055230) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126059245) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126062255) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126063265) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126066275) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126067286) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126070297) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126071307) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126074317) sensor: temp 0 send!
E (126074573) sensor: DS18B20 read error
I (126077579) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126078590) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126081600) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126085616) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126086626) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126089636) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126090647) sensor: temp 1 send!
E (126092904) sensor: DS18B20 read error
I (126093909) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126096919) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126097929) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126100939) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126101949) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126104959) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126108974) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126109985) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126117006) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126118016) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126122031) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126125041) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126126051) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126129061) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126130071) sensor: temp 1 send!
E (126132329) sensor: DS18B20 read error
I (126136340) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126137350) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126144372) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126145383) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126152404) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126153414) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126161440) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126164450) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126169470) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126172480) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126177501) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126184522) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126185532) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126192553) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126193563) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126201591) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126204601) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126209621) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126221657) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126224101) web_server: close() fd (53) success.
I (126224103) web_server: close() fd (54) success.
I (126224104) web_server: close() fd (55) success.
I (126224110) web_server: close() fd (56) success.
I (126224114) web_server: close() fd (57) success.
I (126224668) sensor: temp 0 send!
I (126233698) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126240720) sensor: temp 0 send!
W (126244875) httpd_ws: httpd_ws_get_frame_type: Failed to read header byte (socket FD invalid), closing socket now
I (126244879) web_server: close() fd (59) success.
I (126245740) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126256770) sensor: temp 0 send!
E (126257026) sensor: DS18B20 read error
I (126261036) sensor: temp 1 send!
I (126272066) sensor: temp 0 send!
It only responds to the automation for turn on KC868-A8 relays at a certain value, but it does not respond to the automation to turn off the A8 relays when the tank is filled.
take a photo of your IFTTT command.
you need to create two IFTTT command, both been enabled.
(09-19-2023, 10:17 PM)admin Wrote: take a photo of your IFTTT command.
you need to create two IFTTT command, both been enabled.

Attached Files Image(s)
you should disable option "and"
(09-20-2023, 04:52 AM)engmohades Wrote:
(09-19-2023, 10:17 PM)admin Wrote: take a photo of your IFTTT command.
you need to create two IFTTT command, both been enabled.

Click run to test the settings 


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