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KC868-M16 configure yaml for ESPhome
sure, every channel should use different CT sensor according to your MAX current.
(10-22-2023, 12:27 PM)admin Wrote: sure, every channel should use different CT sensor according to your MAX current.

im having the same trouble.  im using my amp meter on the the same lead that's 33 amps and only getting 19 amps on home assistant.  i tried a 20,30 and 100a ct i could not get a 40 amp ct but was hoping the 100 would read my load. is there a way in the yaml to offset the numbers. sorry but coding is not my strongpoint
Yes, there are calibration configurations in the program, which parameters can be modified.
- calibrate_linear:
# Measured value of 0 maps to 0A
- 0 -> 0
# Known load: 4.0A
# Value shown in logs: 0.1333A
- 0.31749 -> 8.95608

you can test some different load, create as many as possible with different scale parameters:
such as:

- calibrate_linear:
- 0 -> 0
- x.xxxxx -> 3
- x.xxxxx -> 6
- x.xxxxx -> 9
- x.xxxxx -> 15
- x.xxxxx -> 18

The more parameters, the more accurate they are.
(11-04-2023, 11:42 PM)steve1555 Wrote:
(10-22-2023, 12:27 PM)admin Wrote: sure, every channel should use different CT sensor according to your MAX current.

im having the same trouble.  im using my amp meter on the the same lead that's 33 amps and only getting 19 amps on home assistant.  i tried a 20,30 and 100a ct i could not get a 40 amp ct but was hoping the 100 would read my load. is there a way in the yaml to offset the numbers. sorry but coding is not my strongpoint

when i try and update the yaml this is what i get  "ERROR Cannot upload Over the Air as the config does not include the ota: component " im using esthernet hard wire for data
you can download by USB cable.
(04-26-2023, 12:50 AM)admin Wrote: In the yaml below i am using i am not getting the right wattage. i want the over all wattage of all 16 CT's combined. what am i doing wrong? should (Measured_Current_1)  be something different? iv seen other examples like  " return id(phase_a_power).state + id(phase_b_power).state;" that would work but not for this setup. is there a line i can put in there to include all of the CT's?

thanks for your time.  steve

  - platform: template
    id: power1
    name: "power
    lambda: return id(Measured_Current_1).state * 220;
    device_class: power
    unit_of_measurement: 'W'
    update_interval: 5s
  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name: "Total Daily Energy1"
    power_id: power1
        - multiply: 0.001
    unit_of_measurement: kWh
    accuracy_decimals: 3
    icon: mdi:clock-alert
    device_class: energy
lambda: return id(Measured_Current_1).state * 220; this is only for CT1, if you want feedback 16CH CT's total power, need sum of all CT's power.
(11-21-2023, 11:49 PM)admin Wrote: lambda: return id(Measured_Current_1).state * 220;      this is only for CT1, if you want feedback 16CH CT's total power, need sum of all CT's power.

i'm still confused. i understand lambda: return id(Measured_Current_1).state * 220;  is only for CT1. what can i type to get total power of all 16 CT's?
id(Measured_Current_1).state * 220
id(Measured_Current_2).state * 220
id(Measured_Current_3).state * 220
id(Measured_Current_4).state * 220
then all add together.

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