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Understand Configuration For Own Software
Hello everyone
I would like to understand the correct configuration to control your devices
I want to write my own home automation program, I will use lazarus (freepascal)
I bought the following modules:
  •  KC868-H16B
  • KC868-H32B
  • KC868-COLB
  • KC868-D8
  • Push button switch module
my questions are these:
I thought about connecting:
  • Pushbutton switch module with KC868-COLB through RS232
  • KC868-COLB with KC868-H32B through RS232
  • KC868-COLB, KC868-D8 and KC868-H16B through the LAN network to PC
My goal is to control each input and through the software activate the output
Is the configuration correct?
I have other questiones but I don't have space enought in thi post Smile
thank you very  much for any help
you can want write a PC program?
yes I can write a program but I would understand wich is the possibilities that I have ith you boards
at the moment my pc is connected to I/O module by rs485 , I would make the same with your module but with ethernet and the protocol is completly different
In my actual system I read every input and through  my software I can choose which out turn off or on.
I could send you some pictures of my software if you want to see
I would create an http server on a PC and set your cards in server mode to let them communicate with the PC, is this idea correct in your opinion?
I was also thinking of using the rs485 port of the KC868-COLB to control air conditions modbus devices but this too must be done through the PC which is connected through the LAN, is this possible?
i suggest you connect all controller by LAN, COLB's RS485 is a "MASTER" mode, not "SLAVE", that use for third RS485 device. if you use all controller connect to your router, your PC also connect with same router. there are some ways for you to develop:

1: let controller work as "TCP Server", your PC is "CLIENT", use tcp command to read and write, here is protocol details:

2: install MQTT broker program on your PC, let all controller connect to your PC by MQTT, here is MQTT protocol:
relay controller MQTT protocol:
COLB MQTT protocol:

3: use http command to read and write:
here is command:

[Image: logical-controller-COLB-3.jpg]
thank you very much for you help
very good news, specially to use other modbus device
I'm waiting your device with impatience
(aliexpress delivery is too slow for italy)
you are welcome, you can check package state by aliexpress online order's tracking number.
(02-10-2022, 12:23 AM)admin Wrote: 1: let controller work as "TCP Server", your PC is "CLIENT", use tcp command to read and write, here is protocol details:

finally I received your module
I have other questions, I Would use tcp command:
    Are the TCP command for COLB are the same for H32?
   Where I can find TCP command to send modbus(rs485) command through the LAN?
   Where I can find TCP command to check status of button switch module? (button switch module is connected to COLB)
thank you
1. COLB's protocol is different from H32 relay board. H32 use ansi-string format protocol, COLB use HEX format protocol.
2. we can upload the protocol document for developer later, but i think in COLB's PC software, there is a debug function hide, later we can make a video how to see the communication protocol log. maybe prepare it next week.
3. if you want communication by switch button module. i suggest you read state from another RS232 port, or you can let COLB's another RS232 cable connect to H32 controller, then you can use TCP command read switch button state by TCP via H32. i don't know which way you will chose.
Good Morning
first, thank you for your quick reply and kindly support.
I'm having some test,all controllers are set on TCP Server and no problem to send tcp command and http command to H32B, I'm just checking why http command receive always input status on 0 but the button is on
My goals is control all input (button switch board included) to decide which relè turn on/of (for example with a switch today I can turn on relè 1 but tomorrow I could turn on relè 1 + relè 2 or change completely and turn on relè 3) but at the moment I see if I push K1 (on button switch board) always relè 1 (on H32B) turno on, I hope there is the possibility to change this setting and to be able to turn on other relays (relay 2 or 6 for example).
About hex format, I'm used to program with that, my previus boards were all rs485 and all command were hex but I'm not used to work with IP
I will wait your next video and thanks

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