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[Arduino source code for KC868-A4]-21 Homekit with relay &DS18B20 &contact sensor

This is a demo source code KC868-A4 with 10pcs of DS18B20 temperature sensor and 4 relay and 4 dry contact sensor.

.zip (Size: 630.68 KB / Downloads: 1,179)
[Image: attachment.php?aid=1331]
What are the other libraries you are using?
I'm having problems with the Adafruit ones
this is "homespan" code.

I'm using this code here just to control the relays. I excluded dev_semsor and dev_contact files and put to comment sensor part of the ino. It works well but I'd like to use digital input to control the relays manually (and give feedback to Apple Home too). I noted in the declaration you already cuopled DI with relays (e.g. new DEV_DimmableLED(2,36)Wink. I also unhcommented void button in dev_led, this way I can control relays using the digital input but I have not the feedback in Apple Homekit. Looking into Homespan library example I found that feedback should be given using SpanButton or coding using setVal method.

Any suggestion on how I can get the feedback on Apple Home app?

can you post your question at here:
they will feedback quickly. i have tried.

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