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add DS18B20 sensor to Server16 (raspberry pi4 GPIO) by 1-Wire via Sys Bus in HA
1. install "1-Wire via Sys Bus" component on HACS
2. add dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=17  command line to TF card->config.txt
for example, this use GPIO17 of CM4 connect with DS18B20 temperature sensor.
if you use GPIO16, command is  dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=16
so you can add different GPIOs for different 1-wire device.

3. Raspberry Pi checking connected devices via ssh
If you set up ssh, you can check the connected one-wire devices in the following folder: /sys/bus/w1/devices The device IDs begin with 28-.

After installed the package in HACS, install the 1-Wire SysBus integration under Setttings-> Devices & services.

Upon startup of the platform, the 1-wire bus is searched for available 1-wire devices creates entities based on the sensor unique id:

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