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String ASCII or HEX
I would like to know if it is possible to send ASCII or HEX commands to the KC868-A16 via LAN with UDP or TCP protocol through a Biamp Impera Tango control processor.
I've already looked for some information on the forum but I can't find it.
I need to know if there are strings so I can make a driver and the Biamp processor sends commands to the K868-A16.
I have two relay boards from another brand at home that receive ON/OFF commands via LAN using the UDP protocol.


If I have the strings I can make a driver to control the KC868_A16 through the Biamp control processor



My Biamp processor only has 8 I/O ports and I need more, so I bought the K868-A16.
Can you help or is the KC868-A16 designed for another type of application?
I appreciate any help you can send.
if you are using KCS firmware, TCP and UDP work with STRING protocol format, here is protocol:
RS485 port can work with MODBUS protocol by HEX command:
I appreciate the quick response.
To send commands via TCP or UDP I couldn't understand what type of String protocol is used in the table, I can only do diver with string in HEX or ASCII.
I could not find comparison for the strings in the document KC868-A-series-protocol-String
I tried to convert to ASCII or HEX without success

After trying several times via UDP without success, I tried via TCP on port 502 and I can now send ASCII commands to A868-A16
Thanks again for the help


use TCP is better.

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