For a user who is hosting a server, it is a very bad thing if the server has a crash. Because we have to get someone to find the server for manual restart, and even personally carry out manual reset maintenance in the machine room.
The remote control and restart solution can conveniently solve this kind of problem, not only can the server is restarted remotely, but also the computer.
A. Scenarios suitable for servers restart remote controlling solution
- The server system is required to be restarted after upgrading
- There are long distance between the servers and the operators
- The requirements of restarting as an unexpected failure.
- Nobody is in the office when resting days.
B. The basic frame of the control system:
It is mainly composed of the center control system with KC868-H8 device and the reset keys of the server. The concrete structure diagram is as follows:
If you want to connect more equipments, please choose KC868-H32 controller, which is the corresponding wiring diagram.
The circuit is very simple as showed the frame diagram. Just connect the two dry contact signal wires of the KC868-H8 output port to the reset feet of the server or computer, regardless of the positive and negative directions.
C. Achieve remote restart of server or computer
- Connect the reset feet of the server or computer to the output port of the KC868-H8 device, regardless of lines direction.
- Connect the KC868-H8 device to the network (network cable of WAN or LAN) and get power on; if there is no cable network, you can add 4G wireless router to convert it to cable network or use the KC868-H8W Wi-Fi version device.
- Configure the IP parameters of the KC868-H8 device (generally, it is DHCP mode as default, just plug the cable to the device)
- Install the app into your mobile (Scan the QR code from the official website) or install the software to your computer (downloaded from the official website)
- Control to reset the server or PC via the APP in your mobile phone, or via the software in your computer.
D. Usage effect picture of the APP and software