1. fixed work with some router maybe have DHCP problem.
2. add the "loop" mode for IFTTT "THEN" command. Now you can set times=255 will alway running the "THEN" command, never stop.
KC868-COLB V1.9 firmware download: (Size: 41.58 KB / Downloads: 374)
download the ZIP file , unzip update the bin file for KC868-COLB logical controller.
1. fixed work with some router maybe have DHCP problem.
2. add the "loop" mode for IFTTT "THEN" command. Now you can set times=255 will alway running the "THEN" command, never stop.
KC868-COLB V1.9 firmware download:

download the ZIP file , unzip update the bin file for KC868-COLB logical controller.