I have connected on KC868-a16S a DS18B20 on 1-Wire input, it's ok with KCS.
Is it possible to put an other DS18B20 in parallel ? I have try, but not possible to see an other sensor temperature.
If not possible with an other DS18B20, is it possible with other sensor type ? by exemple thermistance NTC b3950-10K on Analogic ADC input ? (I think there is two positions analogic for voltage)
I have connected on KC868-a16S a DS18B20 on 1-Wire input, it's ok with KCS.
Is it possible to put an other DS18B20 in parallel ? I have try, but not possible to see an other sensor temperature.
If not possible with an other DS18B20, is it possible with other sensor type ? by exemple thermistance NTC b3950-10K on Analogic ADC input ? (I think there is two positions analogic for voltage)