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Troubleshooting Modbus
Hardware setup: Kincony MiniServer running homeassistant connected to kincony A6 board (slave) via RS485.

Created a Modbus-switch in the Mini Server yaml configuration pointing to relay 1 onto the A6 board.

Problem: when I switch on or off the modbus switch at home assistant sometimes the relay goes on or off immediately, sometimes after some seconds (<10 more or less). The dashboard at home assistant update the situation after some seconds (<10 more or less), not immediately.
Sometimes the relay is on but the dashboard show it off, and sometimes viceversa.

The more strange situation happen if I change the master of the modbus. I tried to use another A6 board as master and in this case all it's running ok and there are no delay. It's all immediate.

I made a video for better explain this. I don't want to abuse of this forum, so could I post the video here ?

In the mean time I attach my yaml files.
.pdf   configuration.pdf (Size: 32.4 KB / Downloads: 116)
.pdf   kc868-a6-exp3.pdf (Size: 36.64 KB / Downloads: 153)
sure, no problem, you can upload video to Google driver, then post the Google driver video download link at here.
(07-15-2024, 12:39 AM)admin Wrote: sure, no problem, you can upload video to Google driver, then post the Google driver video download link at here.
Here you are
i have looked the video. can you draw two diagram connection.
1: issue A6 , how you connect with server-mini.
2: work perfect A6, how you connect with server-mini.
now i don't understand how you wire.
(07-16-2024, 11:25 AM)admin Wrote: i have looked the video. can you draw two diagram connection.
1: issue A6 , how you connect with server-mini.
2: work perfect A6, how you connect with server-mini.
now i don't understand how you wire.

Very simple connection.
The A6 slave board is always the same. 
When I use as a master another A6 board all is ok.
When I use as a master the mini server (and so I disconnect of the bus the A6 master) I have the problem.
Attached you'll find the draws.
.pdf   NOT Perfect Working.pdf (Size: 473.92 KB / Downloads: 87)
.pdf   Perfect Working.pdf (Size: 430.9 KB / Downloads: 73)
because there is R54 120ohm resistance installed on PCB. that is set for A6 board with "MASTER" mode. if you want A6 board work with "SLAVE", you can remove it.
(07-16-2024, 09:40 PM)admin Wrote: because there is R54 120ohm resistance installed on PCB. that is set for A6 board with "MASTER" mode. if you want A6 board work with "SLAVE", you can remove it.

Removed R54 on the A6 board.

Now the hardware run ok; I mean:
a) slider moved to ON at homeassistant dashboard --> relay ON at A6 board immediately
b) slider moved to OFF at homeassistant dashboard --> relay OFF at A6 board immediately

There is still a little trouble with homeassistant; I mean:
in case a) the icon of the switch at homeassistant still is OFF for about 12 seconds, then show correct state (ON)
in case b) the icon of the switch at homeassistant still is ON for about 12 seconds, then show correct state (OFF).

Any idea to fix this last issue?
you can modify the "delay" time in yaml , to test it whether have some change.

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