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KC868-HA RS485 Button Adapter Released
Can I use 24V on the kc868-HA? Yes, no problem.
we will update KC868-HA plugin for home assistant soon. that will support new firmware. so that can detect ON/OFF two state in home assistant , work as a BINARY sensor.
(10-06-2023, 12:44 AM)admin Wrote: Can I use 24V on the kc868-HA?    Yes, no problem.
we will update KC868-HA plugin for home assistant soon. that will support new firmware. so that can detect ON/OFF two state in home assistant , work as a BINARY sensor.

Looking forward :-)

Can you make 'kc868_component' work side by side with 'modbus_controller' ? Now it gives often:

[18:15:10][W][modbus:108]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 960!=10C 
[18:15:10][W][modbus:108]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 20!=00 
[18:15:10][W][modbus:108]: Modbus CRC Check failed! C071!=00 
[18:15:14][W][modbus:108]: Modbus CRC Check failed! 9131!=00

I guess this comes from 'modbus_controller'
because it's not a modbus protocol, it's a customsize private protocol.
(10-06-2023, 10:40 PM)admin Wrote: because it's not a modbus protocol, it's a customsize private protocol.

yes, y do understand. But it confuses 'modbus_component' so that it can not be used together.
My installation would get an input from a kc868-HA over an kc868-Axx board (via Modbus) to an modbus relayboard.
if you want KC868-HA to control KC868-A series relay board, you can let them connected together. they can work with each other directly. not need to use home assistant, that will be more stable.
(10-07-2023, 10:17 AM)admin Wrote: if you want KC868-HA to control KC868-A series relay board, you can let them connected together. they can work with each other directly. not need to use home assistant, that will be more stable.

  - platform: kc868_component
    name: kc868 addr1 key5 binary_sensor
    addr: 1
    key: 5
        switch.toggle: kc868_addr1_channel2_switch

[18:36:35][D][kc868.component:024]: uart bus receive 1:10:0:a:0:6:c:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:5:1:0:0:dd:7c
[18:36:35][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'kc868 addr1 key5 binary_sensor': Sending state ON
[18:36:35][D][switch:020]: 'kc868 addr1 channel1 switch' Toggling ON.
[18:36:35][D][kc868.component:125]: uart bus send 1:3:6:55:aa:0:0:0:1:f4:a8  <------------------------------------------------------ first kc868-Axx board sends 'kc868_component' command to kc868-HA board 1 to toggle output 1
[18:36:35][D][switch:055]: 'kc868 addr1 channel1 switch': Sending state ON
[18:36:35][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'kc868 addr1 key5 binary_sensor': Sending state OFF

If you send a [switch.toggle: kc868_addr1_channel2_switch] command to an kc868-HA board on the bus, it makes 'kc868_component' on another kc868-Axx board out of use!

  - platform: kc868_component
    name: kc868 addr1 key5 binary_sensor
    addr: 1
    key: 5
        switch.toggle: light5

Both commands
- 1:10:0:a:0:6:c:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:5:1:0:0:dd:7c
- 1:3:6:55:aa:0:0:0:1:f4:a8
are received at +- the same time by the second kc868-Axx board and disrupts it. The second board will do nothing.

[21:41:06][D][kc868.component:024]: uart bus receive 1:3:6:55:aa:0:0:0:3:75:69:1:10:0:a:0:6:c:0:0:0
[21:41:06][D][kc868.component:036]: crc check failed. ignore data
wait for some days, we will release new plugin file for KC868-HA. i think make a video tour for you, how to use in home asssistant with a switch panel.
(10-08-2023, 10:31 PM)admin Wrote: wait for some days, we will release new plugin file for KC868-HA. i think make a video tour for you, how to use in home asssistant with a switch panel.

Thank you verry much.

PS; I don't use home assistant for this project. Everything is configured in ESPHome and runs on your controllerboards only. Runs very stable. Hereby I use the components 'cover', 'monochromatic' and 'kc868_component'.
Everything is connected with the RS485-bus (modbus) and located on different locations. kc868-E16S and A16 are downstairs, A4S with 2DO (6 relays total and 6 x 0-10V dimmers connected) on first floor and 2 x kc868-HA in the building. In test-mounting I can push a kc868-HA button downstairs and activate a relay powered by a kc868-HA board in the bacement (low signal active).
For the moment the boards don't work together on the RS485-bus due to CRC-check problems when you send a command to an kc868-HA board (switch). Connected one at a time it runs smoothly.
I had to remove all modbus expansion boards (located in bacement and garage to open gate etc) because 'modbus_controller' don't work side-by-side with 'kc868_component'.
Homeassistant will be used for video-control and non crucial automations and integrations.

Greetings from Belgium
sorry, i don't know understand deeply, can you take a video of your problem?
(10-09-2023, 12:08 PM)admin Wrote: sorry, i don't know understand deeply, can you take a video of your problem?

I never made a video.
Do you have any suggestion for some video software? OBS Studio looks good.

(10-09-2023, 12:08 PM)admin Wrote: sorry, i don't know understand deeply, can you take a video of your problem?

This is a simplified examle;

| Use 3 boards;
| - 1 x kc868-HA named for simplicity HA
| - 2 x kc868-Axx named for simplicity A1 and A2
| Use 'kc868_controller' on A1 and A2
| Connect all boards on a rs485 line

When HA sends a message over the bus (switch 1 closed for example), both A1 and A2 will read this message.

When A1 sends that HA must close a switch, A2 will send an error message and A2 neglects all other messages send at that time.

This is because the structure of the message send by HA and 'kc868_controller' are different. 'kc868_controller' gives an error on its own messages when read on another board on the rs485-bus.

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