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KC868-HA RS485 INPUT & OUTPUT plugin for ESPHome
(12-22-2023, 12:23 PM)admin Wrote: Do you have not used KinCony's ESP32 board? now i see your photo, ESP32 board is not ours ,right?
i don't know what's your ESP32 chip module you are using. We use ESP32-WROOM-32E.

I have not used a KinCony board because the one I bought (KC868-A8) for the purpose I require doesnt have RS485. I am instead using a board from Dingtian-Tech that does have RS485. The board is also using ESP32-WROOM-32E. 

Surely if the KC868-HAv2 is just using RS485, is meant to work with ESPHome and I am using your code and component, it should work no matter what board I am using it with?

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RE: KC868-HA RS485 INPUT & OUTPUT plugin for ESPHome - by gizmo - 12-22-2023, 02:28 PM

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