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KinCony ESP32-S3 Core Board ESPHome yaml for home assistant
Rather annoying how these aren't able to be powered by just the USB-C connector alone, but need something like a 12V connection (and the USB-C for first programming).
They are very useful boards however, when you get them going. Even better with an add-on daughter board to add more connectors / access to PINS.

Here's one being used with:
  • BME280 sensor for temp/humidity etc.
  • TL-136 / LIQ-136 Liquid Pressure Sensor for water tank (sensors tested, but pending placing in 10,000L tank)
  • 2 x Reed sensors attached to town gas and water meters, to read gas/water usage in the house

Then using a custom component to automatically track/publish the Water and Gas (in MJ and also m3) consumption for Today / Yesterday / Week / Month / Year.
When the TL-136 is live in the tank, the Tank Sensors will then have these Today --> Year consumption sensors added also.

Off screen is inputs for Gas Pressure Factor and Heating Value, that take the m3 usage (from the reed switch / meter outside) and converts the m3 readings into MJ values (as per retailer bills in).

[Image: PgxSkDb.png]

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RE: KinCony ESP32-S3 Core Board ESPHome yaml for home assistant - by jhobson - 02-24-2025, 05:50 AM

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