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[Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-SERVER]--#03-IR_send code
#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend_23(23);      // set ir_send pin IO23
uint8_t sRepeats = 0;

void setup() {

  IrSender.begin(23, ENABLE_LED_FEEDBACK);

void loop() {
  /*the raw_code of your remote button,you can get it by our
    example [Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-SERVER]--#02-IR_RECEIVE code*/
        Serial.println("Turn on LED");
        irsend_23.sendNECRaw(0xF807FF00, sRepeats);   //  0xF807FF00  is the raw_code  of led on
        Serial.println("Turn off LED");
        irsend_23.sendNECRaw(0xF906FF00, sRepeats);  //   0xF906FF00 is the raw_code  of led Off
This code will turn on LED and delay 1s turn off LED
The raw_data of LED on is 0xF807FF00  ,you can decode the data by our example code
"[Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-SERVER]--#02-IR_RECEIVE code"

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[Arduino IDE demo source code for KC868-SERVER]--#03-IR_send code - by KinCony Support - 04-21-2022, 08:35 AM

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