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KC868-HA RS485 Button Adapter Released
(07-21-2023, 01:31 PM)admin Wrote: next week will release KCS v2 firmware, that will let all KC868-A series (ESP32) board support KC868-HA.

Thank you for your reply.
Since y am working already some time on a few projects (see pics) the option of using KCS is not the one y can adopt.
For some weeks now y am writing ESPHome Yaml code because this way y can combine curtain commands (cover) with dimming (light 1-10V over A4S) and Modbus with some Automations and a frontdoorcamera.
The Home Assistant application runs on a Tinkerboard. First I tried your kc868-Server, but it lacks memory (8G) and has no network connection for the ESP-chip.
Everithing runs fine in a test configuration (kc868-A16 + A4S + E16S), and I figured out how to make Modbus communication possible over native RS485 connection, or with an external ethernet-modbus adaptor (eletechsup ET69C02).
The two projects from the pics have RS485 cabling already installed all over the house, and y ordered some kc868-HA modules to connect to it.
What y miss is some sample yaml code to integrate your HA-modules in my ESPHome project. The buttons have to trigger 'cover' and 'light' commands. Feedback is an option.

Hoping to give you hereby some idea of the reason of my question,
y hope on a constructive reply.

Sincerely yours

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Messages In This Thread
KC868-HA RS485 Button Adapter Released - by admin - 11-21-2022, 02:15 PM
RE: KC868-HA RS485 Button Adapter Released - by NicTheModder - 07-22-2023, 09:34 AM

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