10-26-2023, 12:09 AM
- must connect power for all wall panels separated or can make one lope as KNX
>> you can lope by one bus, all dc12v you can paralleling conenct together.
- When yes one lope. how many can connect in one lope to avoid problems with less power? What is the cable size can enough
>> it according to your power supply amp, every KC868-HA just mA level current. bus line use CAT5 network cable is ok.
- Also, RS485 cable can also make it one lope? when yes how many in one lope
>> yes, RS485 cable can do it. it's RS485 bus. one bus support MAX 22pcs KC868-HA
- what type of cable is suitable and also the size
>> CAT5 cable.
>> you can lope by one bus, all dc12v you can paralleling conenct together.
- When yes one lope. how many can connect in one lope to avoid problems with less power? What is the cable size can enough
>> it according to your power supply amp, every KC868-HA just mA level current. bus line use CAT5 network cable is ok.
- Also, RS485 cable can also make it one lope? when yes how many in one lope
>> yes, RS485 cable can do it. it's RS485 bus. one bus support MAX 22pcs KC868-HA
- what type of cable is suitable and also the size
>> CAT5 cable.