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KC868-A8 TCP - Transmitter
Good Morning

Is it possible send frequency through TCP to the KC868-A8 Transmitter?
thank you
(02-26-2025, 12:37 PM)admin Wrote: ???
is there tcp command to send frequency through transmitter??
what means "send frequency through transmitter" ?? RF module? if you want send RF signal, the frequency fixed with 433MHz, it according to hardware, not by software.
(02-26-2025, 10:23 PM)admin Wrote: what means "send frequency through transmitter" ?? RF module? if you want send RF signal, the frequency fixed with 433MHz, it according to hardware, not by software.
sorry , I mean, with firmware V2.xx is it possible to control RF module through TCP command and send frequency?
I hope you understand now
yes, support send learned RF signal by TCP or MQTT. for example:
15. Send one RF signal have learned

Send: RELAY-RF-RUN-255,1
Feedback: RELAY-RF-RUN-255,1,OK
here is protocol document:

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