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Working with 24V
Very good! I thought about redefining the Serial2 pins to the TMP1/2 (5, 14) or analog (36,39,34,35; marked CH1-CH4 (??)) pins, so I can still use the GSM module later. Any problems with that?
analog (36,39,34,35; marked CH1-CH4 (??)) pins can't use for serial, that's just use for INPUT.
So the only broken out pins that could be used for Serial2 would be TMP1/TMP2 (5/14)?
do you must need use 4G module?
Not now, maybe later. Where are the Serial pins of the 4G?
black socket use by 4G module, have RXD, TXD pins.
Could you point them out on the drawing for me? (Thanks!) Which pin numbers would that be?
here R and T is RXD and TXD.
Can’t wait to get the boards! Smile Could you announce here when they are ready to buy?

Also… Switch 2 (S2) is used to bring the board to download mode (?), but can I use the button after startup for another purpose? Which (pull-up)pin does it belong to?
product is ready, just working for uploading to our official store. maybe need about 1 week for make image and video.
S2 download button actaully not need to use for "DOWNLOAD", because our board already have AUTO-DOWNLOAD circuit, never need to use S2, so this button just GPIO0, you can use for your own needs.

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