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KC868 A16 mqtt temperature sensor - home assistant
My gear: KC868 A16, KCS
DS18B20 connected to chanel 1

I have one DS18B20 connected to chanel 1, and its working correct. I see that temperature is changing through kcs panel
Unfortunately looks like temperature value is not provided by mqtt. Through mqtt explorer i see there is only two threshold values provided by mqtt.
what KCS firmware version you are using?
V2.2.8 I think it's most actual?
i think you have not set the mqtt "Threshold" value for your sensor. here is tested image with KCS v2.2.10.
Yes, it works now!
I don't think I understand what this threshold means and what it's for, that's why I left 0. Could you explain what this means?

Thanks in advance!
If this difference is exceeded, mqtt will automatically report data. Avoid frequent data reporting that generates a large amount of data traffic

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