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  KC868-H32B and Smart Power distribution panel
Posted by: fdcemb5 - 04-11-2024, 07:45 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (1)

We have noticed that KC868-H32B and Smart Power Distribution Panel do not show the IP addresses when scanned with  Kincony Scanner. We have tried several routers, and the results are the same. When you connect only one to the router, the IP address will appear.

The question is, since both cannot be connected at the same time to the same router, how do can we integrate them together.

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  M30 Pulse Input
Posted by: brononius - 04-11-2024, 03:10 PM - Forum: KC868-A16S - Replies (7)

I'm migrating from Flukso  towards Kincony M30. I'm new to ESP Home, so for the moment learning how it all works.

For the moment, already 26 CT clamps running nicely. So far, so good. Wink

On my Flukso, I had a water probe (0,5L per pulse) and a gas probe (10L / pulse). To simplify things, I want to use these probes as well to the M30.

  1. Can I just connect these probes to a port on the M30? Similar to the CT clamps?

  2. And if yes, does anybody have an example for the config? 

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  Lights are not turned on if the dimmer is off button is pressed shortly
Posted by: iwzr - 04-10-2024, 01:19 PM - Forum: Development - Replies (1)

It seems I am too stupid to use the dimmer KC868-D8 with the firmware version 4.37

Flashing and so one was successful and now I started to test the dimmer keys.

I made the settings:
- Switcher Workmode: 1 Key
- Remember Last State: No (based on your last reply)

Connected K1+ with KCOM as a test:
[Image: dimmer-connect.png]

1. Long Press on the button => Normal behaviour the dimmer goes up and down as described ✅
2. If the light is on, then "short press" on the button => Normal behavior the dimmer value goes down to 0 ✅
3. If the light is off, then "short press" on the button => Faulty behavior the dimmer value does not change at all! ❌

My expectation is the same as in the video https://youtu.be/MdCBQl_y4f8?si=68JOT1UzzXkuaNfm&t=605
which means: "short press" when the lights are off should result in setting the dimmer to 99.

Anyone else with this problem?

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  H32L issue
Posted by: Saif Kitany - 04-10-2024, 12:14 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (10)

I have a kc868-H32L controller.
I programmed it to be in a motor mood.

When i turn on relay(1 or 2 or 3…..or 32) by button switch module, relay (1 or 2 or 3…..or 32)will be on for 1 minute, and after that will turn off automatically.

If (for example) i turn on relay1, then i turn on relay2, so relay1 will be OFF (because control is in motor mood)

Now, if i do all the above by kincony smart home app, I don’t get same results. Which means: 

➡️ if i turn on relay1, then relay1 will be on forever, and don’t turn off after 1 minute automatically.
And if i turn on relay1, and then turn on relay2, the relay1 will not turn off and it stays turned on.

Why is that❓
Is there any solution ❓

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  KC868 AI
Posted by: fdcemb5 - 04-10-2024, 06:11 AM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (9)

I need step by step how to use KC868 AI with home Assistant. Especially when connected to 12V direct supply, can we still connect to the computer? I need more information in order not top damage the board

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Posted by: fdcemb5 - 04-09-2024, 03:04 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (15)

Trying to configure this server, after I scanned and got the IP at, I login with admin, admin and configure the IP address of the home assistant after setting tpo MQTT mode, unfortunately on rebooting i can't access the KC868 server using I have been on this for hours. How I can I get back to the server.

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  como trabajar desde mi celular o PC
Posted by: Diego Lozada - 04-09-2024, 02:39 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (4)

Buenos días, hace poco compre una KC868 - H32B
Realizo conexiones de un interruptor y puedo controlar desde allí la iluminación, pero no he logrado configurar bien el controlador para hacer control desde mi teléfono móvil o PC.

Usando los software de identificación de IP, no detecta la IP del dispositivo, pero por conexión wifi logre configurar la conexion wifi en el modulo, pero no logro conectar la aplicacion movil con el sistema.


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  Kcs firmware for kc868-a6
Posted by: Savino - 04-08-2024, 06:58 AM - Forum: "KCS" firmware system - Replies (2)

Hi everyone. 
I made configuration for Kc868-A6 board downloading kcs firmware binary file to the board.everything is OK.
I have only one question about wifi address. 
What about to configure the board wifi in STA mode if I'd like to assign a static address in my local network to the board?
Actually I can't be able to find out this option in the kcs web server page. 
So the board connect everytime to my local network using DHCP and I have to scan the net in order to know the ip address my router assigned to the board.....
Could anyone help me?

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Sad complete code Arduino IDE for M16
Posted by: 105Timi - 04-08-2024, 04:25 AM - Forum: KC868-M16 / M1 / MB / M30 - Replies (6)

Hello, is the full Arduino IDE code for the M16 board available somewhere? I can't figure out how to write code that will handle the LAN connection, read current from 16 sensors, read voltage, temperature and humidity and send it to domoticz. Thank you very much in advance for any help. Wink

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  Input and RF in IFTTT
Posted by: iulik - 04-07-2024, 02:13 PM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (6)

Please help me because I can't figure it out at all. 
So I have a Kincony A8-v1.5 board with KCS_KC868_A8_V2.2.2.bin firmware and I want to use the IFTTT function to activate two outputs conditioned by two inputs. So on DI 1, DI 2, DI 3 we have some mechanical limiters, and on DI 4, DI 5 we have two buttons and two outputs connected: DO 1 and DO 2. I also use an RF remote control to which I have programmed two buttons RF1 and RF2
In short:
DI1 = limit switch
DI2 = limit switch
DI3 = limit switch

DI4 = button
DI5 = button

RF1 = remote
RF2 = remote

DO1 = relay 1
DO2 = relay 2

Scenario 1:
If DI 1 is TRUE and if Button 1 (DI4) is pressed, relay 1 (DO1) should be activated. (both conditions must be met: DI1+DI4=DO1)
This mod works perfectly using the logical "AND" function.

Scenario 2:
If I replace DI4(button) with RF1(button), DO 1 is activated regardless of whether DI 1 is TRUE or NOT (both conditions must be met: DI+RF1=DO1)
Therefore, if I use RF Remote as the command mode, and condition on the input, it seems that it does not listen to the input if it is TRUE or NOT, the DO1 activation is executed.
I also used the function: "AND"

Please a solution. 

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