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  "KCS" v3 firmware UDP STRING protocol document for Loxone Miniserver
Posted by: admin - 12-27-2024, 01:54 AM - Forum: "KCS" v2 firmware system - Replies (2)

support by > KCS v3.4.0 using KinCony B16M, F16, F24, A32 Pro smart controller.

1: control digital output (DO)
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET-255,2,1  //turn ON DO2
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,2,1,OK
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET-255,2,0  //turn OFF DO2
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,2,0,OK

2: digital output (DO) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,3,1,OK //DO3 is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,3,0,OK //DO3 is OFF

3: digital input (DI) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_INPUT-255,4,1,OK  //DI4 is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_INPUT-255,4,0,OK  //DI4 is OFF

4: control analog output (AO)
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,2,0  //channel 2 AO=0  0%
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,2,0,OK
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,3,255  //channel 3 AO=255 100%
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,3,255,OK

5: analog output (AO) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_DAC_255,1,107,OK  //channel 1 AO=107
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_DAC_255,2,255,OK  //channel 2 AO=255

6: analog input (AI) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_ADC-255,1,2670,OK  //channel1 ADC is 2670

7: RF433M receiver state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_RF-255,2,1,OK  //channel2 RF sensor is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_RF-255,3,0,OK  //channel3 RF sensor is OFF

8: temperature & humidity sensor feedback
KCS back to Loxone:RELAY-GET_SENSOR-255,3,16.8,46.8,OK //channel3 sensor temperature=16.8℃ humidity=46.8%
KCS back to Loxone:RELAY-GET_SENSOR-255,4,27.8,-100,OK //channel4 sensor temperature=27.8℃ without humidity

download Loxone config demo project file and integration guide from: https://www.kincony.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7264

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  KCS v3 Loxone Miniserver integration guide
Posted by: admin - 12-27-2024, 01:17 AM - Forum: KinCony integrate with Loxone home automation - No Replies

KCS v3 support Loxone integration by UDP protocol. here is all details demo show with KinCony A32 Pro using DO (digital output), DI (digital input), AO (analog output for dimmer), AI (analog input), RS485 sensor and GPIO 1-wire sensor.
KCS v3 use by KinCony ESP32-S3 smart controller.
about demo function list:
1/a. Relay1 switch: you can trun ON/OFF relay1
1/b. Relay2 button: hold on the button relay2 is ON, release finger, relay2 is OFF. Usually use for curtain.
1/c. Relay1 State: feedback relay1's newest state, even if relay control by other ways, such as home assistant, tuya app, web browser, wall switch.

2. DI1 State: monitor digital input1 state.
3. Dimmer (AO1): dimmer output with channel1 (range 0--255)
4. feedback AO1's newest state, even if dimmer control by other ways, such as home assistant, tuya app, web browser, wall switch.
5. RF433M: monitor RF433MHz sensor state for ON/OFF

6/a. Sensor1Temp: one temperature & humidity sensor's temperature value
6/b. Sensor1Hum: one temperature & humidity sensor's humidity value

7.Sensor2Temp: one temperature sensor's temperature value
download Loxone config project demo at here:

.zip   Loxone-Kincony-KCS-DEMO.zip (Size: 12 KB / Downloads: 126)
the project default user and password are:
make sure your KCS version >v3.4.0
go to Loxone webpage, config ip and port for Loxone Miniserver.
Enable UDP Server, input any port number unused, that means KinCony controller will work as a UDP Server listen to Loxone client, receive command from Loxone Miniserver.
Enable UDP Client, input any port number unused, that means KinCony controller will work as a UDP Client connect to Loxone server, feedback state to Loxone Miniserver.

about protocol demo:

1: control digital output (DO)
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET-255,2,1  //turn ON DO2
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,2,1,OK
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET-255,2,0  //turn OFF DO2
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,2,0,OK

2: digital output (DO) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,3,1,OK //DO3 is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET-255,3,0,OK //DO3 is OFF

3: digital input (DI) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_INPUT-255,4,1,OK  //DI4 is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_INPUT-255,4,0,OK  //DI4 is OFF

4: control analog output (AO)
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,2,0  //channel 2 AO=0  0%
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,2,0,OK
Loxone send to KCS: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,3,255  //channel 3 AO=255 100%
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-SET_DAC_255,3,255,OK

5: analog output (AO) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_DAC_255,1,107,OK  //channel 1 AO=107
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_DAC_255,2,255,OK  //channel 2 AO=255

6: analog input (AI) state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_ADC-255,1,2670,OK  //channel1 ADC is 2670

7: RF433M receiver state feedback
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_RF-255,2,1,OK  //channel2 RF sensor is ON
KCS back to Loxone: RELAY-GET_RF-255,3,0,OK  //channel3 RF sensor is OFF

8: temperature & humidity sensor feedback
KCS back to Loxone:RELAY-GET_SENSOR-255,3,16.8,46.8,OK //channel3 sensor temperature=16.8℃ humidity=46.8%
KCS back to Loxone:RELAY-GET_SENSOR-255,4,27.8,-100,OK //channel4 sensor temperature=27.8℃ without humidity

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  "KCS" v3.4.0 firmware for B16M F16 F24 A32Pro controller
Posted by: admin - 12-27-2024, 01:00 AM - Forum: "KCS" v2 firmware system - Replies (6)

v3.4.0 improvement:
1. Added Loxone Miniserver UDP protocol
2. Added RS485 sensor
3. When DO is ALL ON, increase the delay of each channel and the delay is 10ms, so that can protect power supply.
4. Fix the problem that multiple DI false configurations in ifttt cannot work well.
5. Fix the problem that ifttt processing will be blocked when mqtt is disconnected

Attached Files
.zip   KCS_A32PRO_V3.4.0.zip (Size: 1,011.58 KB / Downloads: 78)
.zip   KCS_B16M_V3.4.0.zip (Size: 1.01 MB / Downloads: 110)
.zip   KCS_F16_V3.4.0.zip (Size: 1.02 MB / Downloads: 81)
.zip   KCS_F24_V3.4.0.zip (Size: 1.02 MB / Downloads: 67)
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  Два датчика температуры и влажности
Posted by: Well8926 - 12-25-2024, 05:27 PM - Forum: DIY Project - Replies (33)

Здравствуйте. У меня есть плата E16T. Управление через интеграцию eshome в Home Assistant. Как можно подключить два датчика для контроля температуры и влажности в каждой комнате? Какие нужны датчики?

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  Just Arrived: Annoying Buzz
Posted by: vries2k - 12-25-2024, 08:32 AM - Forum: KinCony AS - Replies (2)


I was excited to receive my Kincony AS speaker. But when I plug in the USB cable the speaker makes an loud "Buzz".
What is wrong? What can I do to fix it? This is not normal.


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  Issue with http request - Says http not open
Posted by: fabien1506 - 12-24-2024, 05:47 PM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (12)

Hello Community of Kincony !

I am using a KC868-A8, which is a great product.
I have activated http server to send some commands in tcp to the board.

When I am trying :
I have the answer : {"code":-2,"status":"http not open"} 

When I am trying :
I have the answer : { "outputs": [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "status": "success", "code": 0 } 

Any idea of what could be wrong by reading the inputs ?

Thank you !

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  Cant connect to wifi STA
Posted by: Mesene - 12-23-2024, 03:59 PM - Forum: KC868-A6 - Replies (3)

Hi! First time user here!
I've just received my KC868-A6, I'd like to connect it to my home assistant.
I'm trying to follow the instructions from https://www.kincony.com/esp32-kcsv2-firmware.html using the bin  KC868_A6_V1.0.10.zip
I say "trying" because the instructions are a bit unclear to me when they start using the ethernet cable and the A6 doesn't have one.
I've managed to connect to the board through its wifi and accessing
From here, I assume I need change the wifi mode to STA and set my home wifi ssid and password and after that the KC868-A6 will be discoverable through the scan device program, right?

My issue is that I can't move forward from this point, after changing it to STA it never connects to my wifi and I need to restart it through the flash program to make the board accessible again.
What am I missing? Did I understood something wrong? I've tried 2g and 5g with the same result.


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  How to Use Single Click, Double Click, and Hold Click with KCS868-E16S in Home Assist
Posted by: engrezk - 12-23-2024, 06:28 AM - Forum: KC868-E16S/E16P - Replies (1)

I have a KC868-E16S and I am using KCS firmware. I can use single click, double click, and hold click. My question is, how can these clicks be used in Home Assistant? I want to use single click and double click to turn on and off some switches and lights that are controlled through Home Assistant

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  Удлинение провода датчика температуры
Posted by: Dmitry razgulyaev - 12-22-2024, 04:38 PM - Forum: DIY Project - Replies (7)

Можно ли удлинитель провод датчика температуры на 40 метров проводом для интернета? И подойдет ли провод для интернета для выключателя, если выключатель находится за 40 метров?

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  KC868-A16 need to power cycle
Posted by: soulmf - 12-22-2024, 10:39 AM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (5)

Hi there, i have just installed latest KCS firmware (V2.2.8) on my KC868-A16 and i noticed that besides the ntp time offset problem, after soft restarting the board the lan does not work. The only solution is to power cycle the board. On the wifi, connection re-establishes normally. I guess it's a software issue besause ESPHOME reboots and re-establishes on LAN successfully. Plz consider fixing in on next update. Thank you in advance![url=https://www.kincony.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=7077][/url]

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