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  Kcs firmware for kc868-a6
Posted by: Savino - 04-08-2024, 06:58 AM - Forum: "KCS" firmware system - Replies (2)

Hi everyone. 
I made configuration for Kc868-A6 board downloading kcs firmware binary file to the board.everything is OK.
I have only one question about wifi address. 
What about to configure the board wifi in STA mode if I'd like to assign a static address in my local network to the board?
Actually I can't be able to find out this option in the kcs web server page. 
So the board connect everytime to my local network using DHCP and I have to scan the net in order to know the ip address my router assigned to the board.....
Could anyone help me?

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Sad complete code Arduino IDE for M16
Posted by: 105Timi - 04-08-2024, 04:25 AM - Forum: KC868-M16 / M1 / MB / M30 - Replies (6)

Hello, is the full Arduino IDE code for the M16 board available somewhere? I can't figure out how to write code that will handle the LAN connection, read current from 16 sensors, read voltage, temperature and humidity and send it to domoticz. Thank you very much in advance for any help. Wink

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  Input and RF in IFTTT
Posted by: iulik - 04-07-2024, 02:13 PM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (6)

Please help me because I can't figure it out at all. 
So I have a Kincony A8-v1.5 board with KCS_KC868_A8_V2.2.2.bin firmware and I want to use the IFTTT function to activate two outputs conditioned by two inputs. So on DI 1, DI 2, DI 3 we have some mechanical limiters, and on DI 4, DI 5 we have two buttons and two outputs connected: DO 1 and DO 2. I also use an RF remote control to which I have programmed two buttons RF1 and RF2
In short:
DI1 = limit switch
DI2 = limit switch
DI3 = limit switch

DI4 = button
DI5 = button

RF1 = remote
RF2 = remote

DO1 = relay 1
DO2 = relay 2

Scenario 1:
If DI 1 is TRUE and if Button 1 (DI4) is pressed, relay 1 (DO1) should be activated. (both conditions must be met: DI1+DI4=DO1)
This mod works perfectly using the logical "AND" function.

Scenario 2:
If I replace DI4(button) with RF1(button), DO 1 is activated regardless of whether DI 1 is TRUE or NOT (both conditions must be met: DI+RF1=DO1)
Therefore, if I use RF Remote as the command mode, and condition on the input, it seems that it does not listen to the input if it is TRUE or NOT, the DO1 activation is executed.
I also used the function: "AND"

Please a solution. 

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  KC868-H32B Pro with Home Assistant
Posted by: titan - 04-07-2024, 12:03 PM - Forum: Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant - Replies (4)


I would like to integrate devices connected to my KC868 H32B Pro with Home Assistant, which is installed on a separate x86 server configured to support automations across many Zigbee (via ZHA) and WiFi devices. However I'm at a loss for the best way to integrate the KC868 H32B Pro with this HA instance. There seems to be a few options that are discussed in other threads:

1. Install Home Assistant on a Kincony Raspberry Pi server, which mine is not
2. Use Tuya - I'm reluctant to do because I want to do everything via LAN only
3. ESPHome - instructions I've found seem to indicate that I need to first physically connect the KC868 H32B Pro to the HA instance via USB. As they are physically far apart, I was hoping to avoid this.

4. Use MQTT - I have not installed MQTT hoping to be able to use ESPHome wirelessly

Any suggestions on how I should do this?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks so much in advance.

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  KinCony Server16 Raspberry Pi IoT gateway released
Posted by: admin - 04-05-2024, 02:06 AM - Forum: News - Replies (2)

KinCony Server16 is a Raspberry Pi iot gateway for smart home automation and industrial automation control, It have 16 channel relay, many digital input ports with optocoupler isolation. The most important is integrated Raspberry pi CM4 module. CM4 manage relay, digital input ports, PWM, RF 433M reciever, IR receiver, SIM7600 4G module directly, easy use by Node-Red. It also support home assistant software.
[Image: server16-1.jpg]

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Posted by: franco.demei@gmail.com - 04-02-2024, 09:37 PM - Forum: KC868-A4 - Replies (3)

Hi all,
I'm trying to program the KC868-A4 to activate the relay, as long as the corresponding digital input is activated. When I release the button the corresponding relay should deactivates.
With the  code I wrote, when I close the digital input the relevant relay turns on. But when I open the  digital imput, The  relay remains on.  Can some one tell me where is a mistake ? Below the code in use. Thank You

#define Relay1 2
#define Relay2 15
#define Relay3 5
#define Relay4 4
#define Key1 36
#define Key2 39
#define Key3 27
#define Key4 14
int KEY_NUM1; // KEY_1 value
int KEY_NUM2; // KEY_2 value
int KEY_NUM3; // KEY_3 value
int KEY_NUM4; // KEY_4 value
void setup() {
  pinMode(Relay1, OUTPUT); // Relay1 IO2
  pinMode(Relay2, OUTPUT); // Relay2 IO15
  pinMode(Relay3, OUTPUT); // Relay1 IO5
  pinMode(Relay4, OUTPUT); // Relay1 IO4
  pinMode(Key1, INPUT); // Dig. Input1 IO36
  pinMode(Key2, INPUT); // Dig. Input2 IO39
  pinMode(Key3, INPUT); // Dig. Input3 IO27
  pinMode(Key4, INPUT); // Dig. Input4 IO14
void loop() {
  ScanKey1(); // Call function to scan Key1
  ScanKey2(); // Call function to scan Key2
  ScanKey3(); // Call function to scan Key3
  ScanKey4(); // Call function to scan Key4
void ScanKey1() {
  KEY_NUM1 = 0;
  // Check if Key1 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(Key1) == LOW) { // Key1 Pressed
    delay(20); // Wait for button debounce
    if (digitalRead(Key1) == LOW) {
      KEY_NUM1 = 1;
      // Toggle relay1 state until Key1 is released
      while (digitalRead(Key1) == LOW) {
        digitalWrite(Relay1, !digitalRead(Relay1)); // Toggle relay1 state
        delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed to control toggle speed
void ScanKey2() {
  KEY_NUM2 = 0;
  // Check if Key2 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(Key2) == LOW) { // Key2 Pressed
    if (digitalRead(Key2) == LOW) {
      KEY_NUM2 = 1;
      // Toggle relay2 state until Key2 is released
      while (digitalRead(Key2) == LOW) {      
       digitalWrite(Relay2, !digitalRead(Relay2)); // Toggle relay2 state
        delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed to control toggle speed
void ScanKey3() {
  KEY_NUM3 = 0;
  // Check if Key3 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(Key3) == LOW) { // Key3 Pressed
    if (digitalRead(Key3) == LOW) {
      KEY_NUM3 = 1;
      // Toggle relay3 state until Key3 is released
      while (digitalRead(Key3) == LOW) {      
       digitalWrite(Relay3,HIGH); // Toggle relay3 state
        delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed to control toggle speed
void ScanKey4() {
  KEY_NUM3 = 0;
  // Check if Key4 is pressed
  if (digitalRead(Key4) == LOW) { // Key4 Pressed
    if (digitalRead(Key4) == LOW) {
      KEY_NUM3 = 1;
      // Toggle relay4 state until Key4 is released
      while (digitalRead(Key4) == LOW) {      
       digitalWrite(Relay4,HIGH); // Toggle relay4 state
        delay(100); // Adjust delay as needed to control toggle speed

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  add PWM to Server16 (raspberry pi4 GPIO) by ha-rpi_gpio_pwm in HA
Posted by: admin - 04-02-2024, 07:09 AM - Forum: KinCony Server-Mini / Server-16 Raspberry Pi4 relay module - No Replies


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  add DS18B20 sensor to Server16 (raspberry pi4 GPIO) by 1-Wire via Sys Bus in HA
Posted by: admin - 04-02-2024, 06:15 AM - Forum: KinCony Server-Mini / Server-16 Raspberry Pi4 relay module - No Replies

1. install "1-Wire via Sys Bus" component on HACS
2. add dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=17  command line to TF card->config.txt
for example, this use GPIO17 of CM4 connect with DS18B20 temperature sensor.
if you use GPIO16, command is  dtoverlay=w1-gpio,gpiopin=16
so you can add different GPIOs for different 1-wire device.

3. Raspberry Pi checking connected devices via ssh
If you set up ssh, you can check the connected one-wire devices in the following folder: /sys/bus/w1/devices The device IDs begin with 28-.

After installed the package in HACS, install the 1-Wire SysBus integration under Setttings-> Devices & services.

Upon startup of the platform, the 1-wire bus is searched for available 1-wire devices creates entities based on the sensor unique id:

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  KinCony Server16 home assistant yaml for Relay and Digital input
Posted by: admin - 04-02-2024, 04:38 AM - Forum: KinCony Server-Mini / Server-16 Raspberry Pi4 relay module - No Replies


  - platform: mcp23017
    i2c_address: 0x20
    invert_logic: true
      0 : Button_1
      1 : Button_2
      2 : Button_3
      3 : Button_4
      4 : Button_5
      5 : Button_6
      6 : Button_7
      7 : Button_8
      8 : Button_9     
      9 : Button_10     
      10 : Button_11     
      11 : Button_12     
      12 : Button_13     
      13 : Button_14     
      14 : Button_15
      15 : Button_16

  - platform: mcp23017
    i2c_address: 0x22
    hw_sync: false
    invert_logic: true
      0 : Output_1
      1 : Output_2
      2 : Output_3
      3 : Output_4
      4 : Output_5
      5 : Output_6
      6 : Output_7
      7 : Output_8
      8 : Output_9
      9 : Output_10
      10 : Output_11
      11 : Output_12
      12 : Output_13
      13 : Output_14
      14 : Output_15
      15 : Output_16
download ymal: 

.txt   Server16_HA_config.txt (Size: 919 bytes / Downloads: 36)
use by mcp23017 for HACS github link: https://github.com/jpcornil-git/HA-mcp23017

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  KinCony Cloud Server will stop service in 2025 upgrade to TUYA app
Posted by: admin - 04-02-2024, 04:12 AM - Forum: News - Replies (15)

KinCony Cloud server have worked almost 10 years for user freely use.
at the beginning of 2015, will stop service. In order to have a better user experience, we suggest use Tuya app with Tuya cloud server. There are two solution for update your OLD controller to use tuya app.

1. Add Tuya adapter for 32 channel relay controller. You can use tuya app easily, also will let your old 32 channel controller support voice control by Alexa or Google home speaker.

2. if your controller CPU is new (AT32F403AVGT7), you can update fimrware to newest, so that support Tuya app directly (just buy tuya license from KinCony). Then you can use Tuya app, BUT not support voice control by Alexa or Google home speaker. So if you MUST want to use voice control, you need add Tuya adapter.

Tuya adapter details: https://www.kincony.com/esp32-tuya-iot-adapter.html

these solution support 32 channel controller model:
KC868-H32, H32L, H32LW, H32B, H32BS

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