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  KC868-A32 and KC868-AG Pro Integration
Posted by: DariusM - 03-01-2024, 06:35 PM - Forum: KC868-A32/A32 Pro - Replies (6)

I have recently purchased an KC868-A32 and KC868-AG Pro in order to have DigitalInputs + Tuya + HomeAsistant + RF controll all at the same time on 32 relays.

I have uploaded via the flash_download_tool_3.9.2 tool the respective .bin files to both devices and then managed to access their IP and connect them to my WiFi.
On the KC868-A32 I have managed via the IFTTT part to configure the relays to work via the digital input pins.
On the KC868-AG Pro I have managed to learn 32 RF buttons and also manged to connect to the tuya App.
EDIT: I managed to control the relays in the local network via KBOX App

I have a couple problems/ don't know how to do:

1. how can I see the leaned RF buttons on the KC868-AG in the tuya app ? (or I need to "learn" them again from the tuya app?)
2. how can I control the  KC868-A32 relays via RF signals received by the KC868-AG ? (I have enabled on the A32  the TCP-Server, but I did not manage to make the 2 devices work with eachother)
3. what do I need to do in order to see the 32 relays from the tuya app, so I can control them from the app itself ?
4. in order to make the HomeAsistant part to work I assume I need to deploy the  HomeAsistant to a raspbery pi and then ? Do you have any tutorials on setting up the control of the relays from the HomeAsistant, if yes, please share me the links

UPDATE regarding question 2, after a couple of hours of debug of the C# MulitiBoardCtrlV1 code:

   1. from Postman I can make API GET calls to the  KC868-A32 IP : PORT and setting the body content to "RELAY-SET-255,1,0" or "RELAY-SET-255,1,1" and it works perfect on relay 1 without any noticeable delay between the API call and the relay actuating

   2. from the IFTTT of the KC868-AG I made an action IF RF1 THEN CUSTOME PROTOCOL1 , where  CUSTOME PROTOCOL1 is HTTP GET with message "RELAY-SET-255,1,0" and the URL and port of the A32 , this WORKS but with a HUGE delay beteween the RF remote button press and the relay actuating ~12seconds (while the direct api call from Postman working instant) , any ideas why ? or what I did wrong ? 

Thank you in advance, 
       Best regards, 
              Darius M.

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Posted by: Wickfut - 03-01-2024, 02:57 PM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (3)

How do I get access to the I2C bus? I want to add an LCD display.



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  Library <Preferences.h> Not Storing Values
Posted by: job-systems - 03-01-2024, 01:10 AM - Forum: KC868-A4S - No Replies

Hi, hope everyone is fine.

I give up... I need help. I am unable to store values in non volatile memory, so that if there is a power loss, and re-power, the value keeps the same... example, a temperature setpoint.

In my Arduino IDE environment I use: Node32s board (Is this the correct board?

This is the configuration I have in Arduino IDE:


#include <Preferences.h>

Preferences preferences; // Start preferences service.


  preferences.begin("almacenamiento-valores", false); // Start storage
  Serial.println("Escribiendo en NVS: 123");
  preferences.putInt("offset", 123); // Write a test value of 123 on the memory space called "offset".
  int valorLeido = preferences.getInt("offset", 0); // Reads the stored value.
  Serial.print("Leído de NVS: ");
  Serial.println(valorLeido); // Show the value that was stored.

Result I get on serial monitor: 

Escribiendo en NVS: 123
Leído de NVS: 0

Result: Writing the value was not successful. 

What am I doing wrong?
Would you advice using a different library for storing values?
Maybe the board I have selected on Arduino IDE is the wrong one?

Thank you for your help. 

BR, Juan

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  PWM output of DC motor drive?
Posted by: IMD - 02-29-2024, 03:16 PM - Forum: Development - Replies (1)

맑은 고딕]빠른 답변에 감사드립니다.
맑은 고딕]1. KC868-A16 보드의 PWM 출력 핀 맵은 자신 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
맑은 고딕]DC 모터를 제어하려고 합니다. IN1, IN2, ENA(속도 제어 PWM).
맑은 고딕]2. 경사 입력 핀이 반대 입력 핀

맑은 고딕]****개발 환경***
맑은 고딕]1.  KC868-A16
맑은 고딕]2.  아두이노 IDE 2.0.4
맑은 고딕]3.  DC 모터 12V, TB6600 스텝 모터 드라이버

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  dry contact k868 a8m
Posted by: alex989 - 02-28-2024, 03:23 PM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (5)

i'm trying to connect some solenoid valve to the board .
the solenoid use 24vac, when i connect the cable of the solenoid valve to the output 1, it goes on.
i don't undestand why

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Question Digital Input
Posted by: Vaughan2024 - 02-28-2024, 10:55 AM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (7)

Hi Have a question about a how best to connect a signal that is about 1.2 - 2 volt. 
I presume I can not use the dry contact input 1 - 8 a they are 12v ?

Is there a way to get the board to detect a small 1.2 volt signal
Can I use inputs S1 - S4?


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  KC868-A4 product for education
Posted by: jvela - 02-27-2024, 08:29 AM - Forum: Apply for free sample product - No Replies

I request a KC868-A4 equipment for education. I work for a school in Spain and we want to teach our students microcontroller programming and basic concepts of electricity and electronics.

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  ZP13 Smoke Gas Sensor Module
Posted by: aseksas - 02-26-2024, 09:01 PM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (1)

Hi, I have the KC868-H32B board. I'm interested in how: can I connect the ZP13 Smoke Gas Sensor (like 7 sensors to one input slot)

All information about the module is provided here: https://www.winsen-sensor.com/d/files/manual/zp13.pdf
For this module's physical interface: XH2.54-4P terminal socket.

If this module is not compatible, could you recommend another one? But I need a module only.

Thx for your time and help who can replay me Smile

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  PT1000 to KC868-A8 by ADC
Posted by: bousbouss - 02-26-2024, 11:11 AM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (8)


Is it possible to connect a 2-wire PT1000 sensor to the KC868-A8 (by using ADC)?
I connected my PT1000 to A1 and GND, but i get these readings in esphome:

[12:20:21][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature_4': Sending state 0.14200 V with 2 decimals of accuracy
[12:20:22][D][sensor:094]: 'Temperature_3': Sending state 0.14200 V with 2 decimals of accuracy

with this setup:
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0x453c3ee381b36028
    name: "Temperature_1"
    id: Temperature_1
  - platform: dallas
    address: 0x783ce104577f4c28
    name: "Temperature_2"
    id: Temperature_2    
  - platform: adc
    pin: 34
    name: "Temperature_3"
    update_interval: 5s
    attenuation: 11db
  - platform: adc
    pin: 35
    name: "Temperature_4"
    update_interval: 5s
    attenuation: 11db  

I found this picture bellow, do I have to add 12v to the sensor? How do I do that if my PT1000 sensor has 2 wires? [Image: attachment.php?aid=2917]

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  DHT21 Sensor
Posted by: lori72 - 02-26-2024, 09:48 AM - Forum: "KCS" firmware system - Replies (3)

Hi, I'm trying to connect the DHT21 sensor to the KC868 - A4S board but the firmware doesn't work. who can help me?

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