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  KC868-COLB Problem
Posted by: Faisal K - 02-04-2024, 03:50 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (5)

Hi for all
please help me :
I have KC868-COLB new one , i connect Ethernet Cable for first time and all Software are working find , then all RUN , Ethernet and WIFI Leds gowing Off and not working at all 
I tried to reset the Network Mode but still not working , only power and WIFI reset Leds On .
I Appreciation for answering .

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  KC868-A16S double click send to Home Assistant
Posted by: a.demenev@limeup.ru - 02-04-2024, 03:39 PM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (3)

I need some help with light control and scripts

As i can see, in IFTTT rules i can use singe, double or hold state on digital input
so, how it is possible:
1. When A16S CONNECTED to HA send event to it (then when i have event in HA i can use it in any script) 
        may by by send some by TCP (custom protocol)?
2.  When A16S NOT CONNECTED to HA just switch on or off output

or may be it is wrong way and you have another solution solution?
i have only 4 physical switch in my flat now, so it is too expensive to buy keyboard module KC868-AK for that

may be it is possible to use this devices?

my goal is to make reliable light control system, with wired connection, without battery
but in same time it shoud be usefull and with scripting posibility
now i use Zigbee lamps and Zigbee switch - thay are is work fine, but i think wire connection is more reliable

PS: i have another idea of device for you - may be i can send it to you by whatsapp? in fact, we start to develop it and found your devices, so we stop our development. You have a lot of experiens and resourses, and your devices a realy greate - so, i think, you can do it better then we

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  A8 Ventilation control
Posted by: a.demenev@limeup.ru - 02-04-2024, 12:38 PM - Forum: KC868-A8 - Replies (7)

Hi all!
i need some help
my situation is:
i have ventilation system consist of:

-external air motorized valve with state sensor (in fact physical button - when valve full opened button is presed)
-two temperature sensor for external air and for internal air
-electrical heater
-three fan: first for external air, second for kitchen, third for the living room

i need minimal:
1. Switch on fans and heater (IF NEEDED) ONLY when valve is full opened
2. Switch on heater when external temperature is lower than target AND internal temperature is lower than target (it is measured after heater)
3. Switch off heater when external OR internal temperature is bigger than target
4. Switch off ALL when valve sensor is off

I made some IFTTT rules for this case - it work fine

Now i want to control and change some parameters via Home Assistant:
-Change target temperature for external air
-Change target temperature for internal air
-Manually switch on and off second and third fan
-And in any situation switch off heater and fans when valve sensor is off - it is very important for safety

in this thread i found solution how to read sensors and control output via MQTT - it is work now: https://www.kincony.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4100

so, i have two questions:
1. How i can change target values for temperature sensors?
2. Which priority is higer - MQTT command or IFTTT rules?
  2a. What will be happen if i switch off, for example, second fan, but in IFTTT rules i have condition to switch it on? and in one moment A8 lost connection to Home Assistant?ection onnection

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Sad KC868-A8 Useless Opto on input?
Posted by: bluluiss - 02-04-2024, 08:43 AM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (1)

Hi, it seems to me that the optocoupled input section of the KC868-A8 is totally useless, since the same GND is used on both side of the optocoupler (so, you could use a simple mosfet or transistor instead of providing a fake galvanic optoisolation).

Why did you choose to put these optos? 


In order to provide a better robustness respect to external disturbancs coming from the external world, you should put an isolated DC/DC converter to have a true different GND on the "user side" of the opto.

Otherwise (like in the below attachment) you should disconnect the board GND and the GND pin on the S{1,2...} input connector, and then let the user to provide an external 12V on the inputs, referred to the "user GND" pin.
If the user does not need for galvanic isolation, then he could simply short the external GND with the board GND and "fallback" to your current solution.
Moreover, you could provide a cheap jumper (that shorts the two GNDs and let the user to switch between ISOLATED MODE and (current) CLEAN CONTACT mode)

Bad design.

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  how to connect KC868 to home assistant
Posted by: eddiebullman - 02-03-2024, 09:14 PM - Forum: Getting Started with ESPHome and Home Assistant - Replies (8)

Ok I have my KV868-A6 & nRF24l01 boards how do I connect it to my wifi network and home assistant as I can't find anywhere how to connect every thing together I a completely new to once I get the thin connected I mite understand it better s

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Posted by: SP9HYX - 02-03-2024, 05:17 PM - Forum: KC868-E16S/E16P - Replies (1)

I have a question: After integrating the KC868-E16S module in Home Assistance, do I lose access to the KC868 module web server? I can ping the module to a fixed, programmed IP address. If possible, please provide information on how to work with the RS486 module and the Rf433 interface after integration with HA.

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  A4 supported power voltage range
Posted by: mikesloper - 02-03-2024, 12:32 PM - Forum: KC868-A4 - Replies (4)

What voltage range can I power the A4 board with? I am using LifePO4 battery with a voltage range of 11v - 14.7v. Is this OK?

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  A32 power trace thickness
Posted by: wsowa - 02-02-2024, 01:13 PM - Forum: KC868-A32/A32 Pro - Replies (1)

Hi, what is the thickness of the traces between the load connector and the relay? Is the trace only on the bottom layer of the pcb or on bottom, top and inner layers (if there are any)? I'm trying to assess how much current the traces can actually handle.

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  KC868-A16 HTTP requests?
Posted by: kloper360 - 02-01-2024, 04:23 PM - Forum: KC868-A series and Uair Smart Controller - Replies (4)

I am about to order the KC868-A16 for my project and just wanted to check if its really gonna work.
Is it possible to do HTTP requests over ethernet cable and GET or SET the state of on input//output?

There are many examples online where the ESP32 is used as a webserver, which one can send HTTP requests in order to trigger GPIOs on or off, would that also work with KC868-A16?

With my setup I need to control the KC868-A16 with a custom app that communicates oder HTTP, I cannot use the webinterface that may be present in the device.

Thanks in advanced, 

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  KC868-D16 light management capabilities?
Posted by: vessod - 02-01-2024, 02:33 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (9)

I have read a lot of information here and website and I want to clarify and understand the capabilities of the KC868-D16 for lighting control.
What are the capabilities of KS868? 

1. Successfully dims LED strip at 12V,
2. Successfully dims 220V normal light bulb.
3. It dims with flickering LED dimmable bulbs 220V.

What are the options for dimming the RGBW LED strip, and color changing? 

Here is the answer from the email:
"Is the dimmer controller able to manage RGB LED lights, ( stripe)?
answer: any of our ESP32 boards have GPIOs support WS2812B RGB LED stripe."

WS2812B RGB LED stripe needs 5V power suply.

Sorry, if this is not the exact place for this post.

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