I have new board KC868-A8M v1.1 from Aliexpress.
Firmware: KCS_KC868_A8M_V2.1.4.bin
There is no reaction to the inputs in the web interface, mqtt and others. When the outputs are turned on in the web interface, the LEDs on the board do not light up.
Not working (from first sartup) inputs and otuputs. Debug show:
[0;32mI (2981) RF: Start RF receiver[0m
[0;31mE (3982) pcf857x: pcf_0 read error![0m
[0;31mE (3983) pcf857x: pcf_0 write error![0m
[0;32mI (3987) pcf857x: pcf857x init.[0m
I have verified the SLA and SDA lines - they are alive. Voltage on PCF - 3,2V
I2C scanner found PCF module:
I2C scanner. Scanning ...
Found address: 34 (0x22)
Found address: 36 (0x24)
Found 2 device(s).
Sketch [Arduino source code for KC868-A8M]-03 INPUT} with Serial.print ("In 1: "); - working, but LED on OUT don't light. I see a reaction to a short circuit in the terminal, with the modified code
Sketch [Arduino source code for KC868-A8M]-05 OUTPUT - not working. Not LED light on out.
In library PCF8574.h for 0x24 sketch print "Init pcf8574...KO". Not ''OK"