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Photo MQTT connection issues (firmware v4.35)
Posted by: bigramon - 08-16-2021, 02:15 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (3)


I just received my H32B, upgraded to version 4.35 and configured it as follows (I only use wired Ethernet):


Unfortunately, the H32B does not connect to my Mosquitto MQTT broker although the MQTT Explorer running on my computer does, using the same credentials.

I tried to reset the configuration using the Ethernet mode button but it did not help.

Did I miss something in the configuration ?

Night update - it finally connected to the Mosquitto addon, without any additional action from my side.
I could set up all relays and inputs and restarted the KC868 to check whether it would re-establish the MQTT connection.
It actually did but after several minutes.

I then restarted the Mosquitto addon but this time the KC868 did NOT reconnect.
I waited for another 15 minutes and then power cycled the KC868.
But even after 10 minutes, it still did not connect to the MQTT broker.

It looks like the MQTT connection still needs work to become more reliable.

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  Node-Red-flows for KC868-H32BS RS485 Modbus Demo
Posted by: admin - 08-14-2021, 06:53 AM - Forum: Development - No Replies

This flow use RS485 Modbus work with KC868-H32BS. Demo functions have:
Read 6 digital input sensor state,
Read 32 MOSFET output state,
turn ON/OFF output-1
turn ON/OFF multi-output ports by one command.

.zip   KC868-H32BS-Node-Red-Modbus-flows.zip (Size: 1.59 KB / Downloads: 338)

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  KC868-H32BS RS485 Modbus protocol
Posted by: admin - 08-14-2021, 02:21 AM - Forum: News - No Replies


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  KC868-H32BS smart controller module released
Posted by: admin - 08-13-2021, 07:55 AM - Forum: News - Replies (10)

We have designed new smart controller KC868-H32BS. it have 6 digital input ports for sensors, 34 digital input ports for self-reset switch button and 32 P-MOSFET output ports, support use RF 433MHz wireless remoter. Add RS485 Modbus port. Also support MQTT and HTTP command for development.

[Image: kc868-h32bs-details_01.jpg]

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Posted by: juan - 08-12-2021, 06:36 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (1)

Hello everybody.

First of all I apologize for my English as a translator, but I hope it is enough for me to be understood.

I am configuring the integration of the KC868-H32B board to Home Assistant via Node-Red. To do this, I have followed the instructions in the video.


At the beginning, everything works perfectly, but only with the first 6 relays, from relay number 7 the Node-Red tcp out module is shown as not connected.

I can't find where the problem is, can you guide me?

Thank you very much in advance.

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  KC868-H32B V4.35 new firmware update
Posted by: admin - 08-09-2021, 03:19 AM - Forum: News - Replies (5)


Enable Wifi and Ethernet use MQTT at the same time. Now you can use KC868-H32B connect to two different MQTT broker. Every relay output or input port state changed, will send message to 2 MQTT brokers.

download the ZIP file , unzip update the bin file for KC868-H32B relay controller by USB-RS232 cable.

.zip   Relay32_V435_210807.zip (Size: 45.13 KB / Downloads: 345)
firmware update tool download: https://www.kincony.com/download/KC868-C...loader.zip

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  display COL status
Posted by: athxp - 08-08-2021, 10:08 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (9)


I was wondering if it was possible to use a small display that warns of the status of the outputs or inputs of COL.
in the photo I put a led (far right) that warns me of a condition (lack of pellets in the boiler). but I would like a small lcd or display, maybe settable. is there anything compatible?

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  help in configuring and connecting the measurement probes connected to the KC868-COLB
Posted by: IOTHDF - 08-06-2021, 07:43 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (5)


Thank you again for your invaluable help in configuring and testing your Kincony PLCs !

You will find attached the photos of the PLC arrangements and the wiring diagram of the probes connected to the KC868-COLB PLC.

As you know, kincony PLCs can only supply 500ma in 12Volts to the power supply output connectors used to power an outdoor sensor.

We cannot directly connect and supply the 3 measurement probes on the KC868-COLB PLC, we must supply the 2 remaining probes by a dedicated 220V to 12volts 2 ampere converter.

As we need to feed 3 probes:

  1. a wind speed and outdoor light measurement probe (supplied directly by the power connectors of the KC868-COLB PLC, see attached photo Blue cable for – and white cable for +)
  2. a soil humidity and temperature measurement probe (supplied directly by an energy converter 220V to 12 volts 2 amps)
  3. a nitrate rate measurement probe (supplied directly by the same 220V to 12 volt 2 ampere energy converter).

Description of how these 3 probes are connected to the KC868-COLB PLC :
  1. a wind speed and exterior light measurement probe (connected to the digital connector D1 + by the brown connector cable, see attached photo)
  2. a soil humidity and temperature measurement probe (connected to the analog connector A1 + by the green cable; connected to the analog connector A2 + by the yellow cable)
  3. a nitrate rate measurement probe (connected to the A3 + analog connector by the green cable).

Can you help us to correctly configure these 3 probes in the interface of your Kyncony SBC application?

What does the value: coefficient correspond to in the property of the analog measuring probe?

What must be specified for the coefficient value of the temperature probe in A1 + in green color?

What must be specified for the coefficient value of the humidity probe in A2 + colored yellow?

What should be specified for the coefficient value of the green A3 + nitrate probe?

Are the values entered correctly for the nitrate probe for the values minimum value = 0; maximum value = 500; unit = N; coefficient = 100 ?

Why in the dashboard of the Kincony SBC application, the digital probe which measures the wind and the lighting level does not display any of the 2 values and remains in gray for the 01 # button (see screenshot attached) ?

Is the connection of the brown wire on the KC868-COLB PLC to the D1 + connector correct?

Do you have to connect another wire, for example the black connector wire of the digital probe which measures the wind and the light level?

This black wire today is not connected to the PLC. Should it be connected? If so, which connector should we do it?

Looking forward to your response I wish you a good day,

Best regards IOTHDF member,

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  Turn Wi-Fi Off
Posted by: basten - 08-06-2021, 05:32 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (2)

Is it possible to turn Wi-Fi completely off by any way (software or hardware)? I’d like to use my KC868-H32B controller in mqtt ethernet mode with radio module completely turned off.

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  KC868-COLB V1.9 new firmware update
Posted by: admin - 08-04-2021, 04:01 AM - Forum: News - Replies (4)

1. fixed work with some router maybe have DHCP problem.
2. add the "loop" mode for IFTTT "THEN" command. Now you can set times=255 will alway running the "THEN" command, never stop.

KC868-COLB V1.9 firmware download:

.zip   AD_COLB_V1_1_9_210803.zip (Size: 41.58 KB / Downloads: 338)
download the ZIP file , unzip update the bin file for KC868-COLB logical controller.

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