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  KC868-A8 ESP32 I/O pin define in Arduino IDE
Posted by: admin - 10-05-2021, 11:32 AM - Forum: KC868-A8 - No Replies

#define ANALOG_A1  32
#define ANALOG_A2  33


Relay_IIC_address 0x24

Relay1 = pcf8574.pinMode(P0, OUTPUT);
Relay2 = pcf8574.pinMode(P1, OUTPUT);
Relay3 = pcf8574.pinMode(P2, OUTPUT);
Relay4 = pcf8574.pinMode(P3, OUTPUT);
Relay5 = pcf8574.pinMode(P4, OUTPUT);
Relay6 = pcf8574.pinMode(P5, OUTPUT);
Relay7 = pcf8574.pinMode(P6, OUTPUT);
Relay8 = pcf8574.pinMode(P7, OUTPUT);

Input_IIC_address 0x22

Input1 = pcf8574.pinMode(P0, INPUT);
Input2 = pcf8574.pinMode(P1, INPUT);
Input3 = pcf8574.pinMode(P2, INPUT);
Input4 = pcf8574.pinMode(P3, INPUT);
Input5 = pcf8574.pinMode(P4, INPUT);
Input6 = pcf8574.pinMode(P5, INPUT);
Input7 = pcf8574.pinMode(P6, INPUT);
Input8 = pcf8574.pinMode(P7, INPUT);

(for KC868-A8 PCB v1.6)

S1: GPIO14
S2: GPIO13
S3: GPIO32
S4: GPIO33

const int DI9 = 36
const int DI10 =39

RF433MHz wireless receiver: 15
RF433MHz wireless transmitter: 2

Ethernet (LAN8720) I/O define:

#define ETH_ADDR        0
#define ETH_POWER_PIN  -1
#define ETH_MDC_PIN    23
#define ETH_MDIO_PIN  18
#define ETH_TYPE      ETH_PHY_LAN8720

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  KC868-H8B input minimum time to activate
Posted by: Suhl79 - 10-04-2021, 08:20 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (14)

I've been playing with H8B device today and connected a momentary switch to it's input port. I also use MQTT Mosquito to publish/subscribe for the events. Quite often I didn't get the button press reported as apparently they were too short. I have noticed that I have to press and hold the button for around 0.5 sec to get it reported. Is it an expected behavior? I'm planning to use some inputs for the door bell application and short button presses are normal. It almost look like some kind of a button debounce technique was applied for the input signal, but it affected how short signals are being recognized. Please advise.

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  Example List IO´s Rooms
Posted by: sleonheart - 10-04-2021, 11:59 AM - Forum: DIY Project - Replies (1)


as per Request in Youtube Channel here a small Example List of IO´s needed per room excluding switches and Relais. This is just a Sensor list of Sensors that are typically used.

I hope you can see that Sensor inputs are always Welcome.

I have not added Analog Sensors that are usually mounted. If you need them i would add them too.

These are just some example rooms. Garage and Outside of house is missing too. Kids Bedrooms are the Same amount like normal Bedroom.

I hope this helps Kincony to understand why we need many Inputs.

.xlsx   example IO List.xlsx (Size: 10.68 KB / Downloads: 337)

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  need http ,mqtt , tcp , rs 485 protocal.pdf
Posted by: engmohades - 10-02-2021, 12:42 PM - Forum: News - Replies (1)

i need kc868-h32bs controller http ,mqtt , tcp , rs 485 protocal .pdf Heart

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Heart Smart home app not responding
Posted by: engrezk - 10-02-2021, 06:14 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (1)

Why is the smart home app not responding, taking a long time and sometimes not working?
Although my internet speed is go

Note that the controller h32bs  is new

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Photo Unable to Connect using the Application KC868-H32BS
Posted by: engrezk - 09-29-2021, 02:13 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (3)

[attachment=308][attachment=309][attachment=309][attachment=308][attachment=309][attachment=310][attachment=311][attachment=312]Unable to Connect using the Application KC868-H32BS  Either using any of the two apps  ( KBOX- SMART HOME )

[attachment=313 Wrote:engrezk pid='1705' dateline='1632924829']Unable to Connect using the Application KC868-H32BS  Either using any of the two apps  ( KBOX- SMART HOME )

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Home Assistant 8-Channel Smart Dimmer – KC868-D8 MQTT Firmware
Posted by: Gooogle - 09-29-2021, 01:41 PM - Forum: Development - Replies (1)

My sample For Dimmer controller MQTT - NODE RED code - Config yaml - Lovelace code - HACS - Slider button integration

Attached Files
.pdf   Home Assistant Dimmer MQTT NODE RED Lovelace.pdf (Size: 852 KB / Downloads: 540)
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  KC868-D8 V4.34 new firmware update
Posted by: admin - 09-28-2021, 03:30 AM - Forum: News - Replies (22)

[Image: kc868-d8-dimmer_pix550.png]
1. add 8 channel dimmer control by webpage.
2. support http command for developer integrate to third-party software to change brightness and read output brightness.
3. add web config password.
4. RS485 address set by webpage.
5. support use MQTT function. it will easy integrate to third-party software, like home assistant…
how to integrate to home assistant by MQTT, see this link: https://www.kincony.com/kc868-d8-integra...-mqtt.html
6. add option on config webpage, you can chose whether relay will remember the state before power off. Just whether receover dimmer output state when power on.
7. support "1 Key" and "2 Key" work mode for switch panel. "1 key" mode just need 1 wire for every channel output.
8. add scan device Broadcast command for UDP. This command for software developer scan KC868-D8 in network.
use local network port=4000  send Ansi-String “scan” to remote IP: Port:4001
all KC868-D8 in same network device will feedback: device’s IP,Port,UID,type
for example:
feedback:,uid:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,type: DIMMER8
9. Improve the stability of anti-interference, if ethernet line failure by interference , now will automatic restart ethernet chip.
10. Add "Threshold setting": Adjustment startup percent options for every channel output. sometimes LED SSR driver begin work with 10-20% brightness.
11. Support update firmware by network cable.
[Image: KC868-D8-Network-Setting.jpg]
update step:

1. download "NET_IAP_DIMMER8_0909.hex" to CPU chip by ST-Link usb cable. this bootload hex file will support update firmware by network cable.

A. if your dimmer controller MCU chip is "STM32F103VCT6" or "GD32F103VCT6" use ST-Link to download bootload HEX file.

Here is ST-link tool for KC868 smart controller firmware update.
when download at stlink software , MCU chip chose what model see the biggest CPU on the PCB bottom side when update KC868-D8 controller.

if you want to order ST-link usb cable, here is order link:

here is video link how to download HEX by ST-link cable: https://youtu.be/MI2_qAIEt2U

B. if your dimmer controller MCU chip is "AT32F403AVGT7"  use AT-Link or J-Link to download bootload HEX file.
[Image: AT32F403AVGT7.jpg]
Here is AT-link tool for KC868 smart controller firmware update.

when download at AT-link software , MCU chip model will auto detected when update KC868-D8

if you want to order AT-link usb cable, here is order link

if you use J-link, you can also use AT-link's software download firmware by J-link. But we have not sell the J-link.

2. update BIN file firmware by "KC868 Controller Network Bootloader" tool.
[Image: KC868-Controller-Network-Bootloader.png]
KC868 Controller Network Bootloader  
.zip   KC868 Controller Network Bootloader.zip (Size: 6.93 KB / Downloads: 442)
.zip   NET_IAP_DIMMER8_0909.zip (Size: 15.8 KB / Downloads: 364)
firmware BIN file 
.zip   Dimmer8_V434_0900.zip (Size: 46.99 KB / Downloads: 380)
after you download these zip file, must unzip when use.

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  KC868-H2B V4.34 new firmware update
Posted by: admin - 09-28-2021, 12:22 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

[Image: kc868-h2b_pix550.jpg]

1. add relay control by webpage
2. support http command for developer integrate to third-party software to tun on/off relay and read relay state.
3. add web config password
4. add read input state http command for developer integrate to third-party software. you can send http command to control relay.

Command is like this, send:  http://192.168.1.xx/sw_ctl.cgi?RelayFF=R…pwd=XXXXXX
Then will feedback all state.

5. support use MQTT function by Ethernet or WiFi. it will easy integrate to third-party software, like home assistant…
how to integrate to home assistant by MQTT, see this link: https://www.kincony.com/kc868-h32b-integ...-mqtt.html

6. add option on config webpage, you can chose whether relay will remember the state before power off. Just whether receover relay sate when power on.
7. add option on config webpage, you can chose any relay channel for momentary work mode, and set the delay time for auto off. Relay “Momentary Time” extend to “1-10000 seconds”

8. add scan device Broadcast command for UDP. This command for software developer scan KC868-H2B in network.

use local network port=4000  send Ansi-String “scan” to remote IP: Port:4001
all KC868-H2B in same network device will feedback: device’s IP,Port,UID,type
for example:

9. Improve the stability of anti-interference, if ethernet line failure by interference , now will automatic restart ethernet chip.

make sure your KC868-H2B metal box top lable have “AT” words, like this photo. so that have 128KB flash memory and RAM enough for update. If not use the MCU chip, if you can weld, replace the MCU will support new firmware.

if you use MQTT, as follows:

Set your ethernet for MQTT in network setting webpage, set the broker IP,Port, MQTT user name and password.

Example configuration.yaml entry for relay1 output:
– platform: mqtt
name: ‘relay2B-1’
unique_id: relay2B-1
state_topic: ‘relay2/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/state’
command_topic: ‘relay2/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/set’
payload_on: ‘{“relay1”:{“on”:1}}’
payload_off: ‘{“relay1”:{“on”:0}}’
value_template: ‘{{ value_json.relay1.on }}’
state_on: 1
state_off: 0

Note: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is your KC868-H2B’s ID, it’s 24bit. You can find in controller’s config webpage.

download the ZIP file , unzip update the bin file for KC868-H2B relay controller by USB-RS232 cable.

.zip   Relay2_V434_210818.zip (Size: 41.37 KB / Downloads: 290)
firmware update tool download: https://www.kincony.com/download/KC868-C...loader.zip

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  [Question] Switches
Posted by: sleonheart - 09-26-2021, 11:14 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (10)

Hello and greetings from Germany,

do you offer youre switches also with 2 mount points so i can mount like 2 switches next to each other? 

Secondly do you offer Power Outlets for Germany since many houses here have switches and Power outlets next to each other?

i could provide Dimensions and photos if nessesary showing what i mean excatly

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