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  KC868-H32B V5.04 firmware support Tuya app
Posted by: admin - 05-17-2023, 01:19 AM - Forum: News - No Replies

[Image: attachment.php?aid=2412]   
1. support use Tuya app for remote control OUTPUT and monitor INPUT state.
2. support TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, MQTT, Tuya different protocol at the same time by ethernet.
such as you can use Home assistant (by mqtt) in local LAN network and Tuya app for remote monitor by internet.
3. add "MQTT send all" option. if "enabled" , MQTT state message will feedback all channel's information. if "disabled" , MQTT state message will feedback single channel's information.
4. support control by KC868-AK keyboard.
firmware download:

.zip   H32B_V504_230516.zip (Size: 134.3 KB / Downloads: 215)
how to order tuya licence:

here is Tuya licence for "H32BS,H32B,COLB" firmware , it can let your board remote control by internet.

1:telll us your email, we will send the licence to your email

2:tell us your area(choose from :China/Westen US/Eastern US/Central Europe/Western Europe/India)

IMPORTANT: check for your tuya account, which REGION you have registered.

Check in your tuya or smart life mobile phone app: Me -- Settings -- Account and Security -- Region

according to the "Region" visit here (https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/o...i0ku9l07qb) to check your server location.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1928]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1929]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1930]   

if you really don't know how to check, just send us your tuya or smart life app account name, we will check for you.

3:tell us you model(choose from Kincony A4/A6/A8/A8S/A16/A32/A64/A128/E16S/AI/AK/H32BS/H32B/COLB)

4: The license has no time limit, and the tuya platform provides corresponding services and guarantees

5:Once sold, it cannot be returned or refund

6:One licence only for one product

Tuya internet cloud server locate in 6 positon in the world:
Location-A: China
Location-B: Western US
Location-C: Eastern US
Location-D: Central Europe
Location-E: Western Europe
Location-F: India

please tell us which server location your app account used. such as if your account is "Western Europe" ,tell us "Location-E: Western Europe".

if you want to order, please contact with us, you can pay by PayPal or Bank account.

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Posted by: mark2023 - 05-16-2023, 10:35 PM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (17)

I have connected up a dimmable led light bulb with a solid state relay from analogue 1 on the A4Sbut i seem to be getting the following problems.

1: when the relays are off from the color LED-1 in Home assistant the bulb is still on but very dim. when i switch it on it goes full brightness but when i switch off the bulb does not go out it goes back to very dim.
2: i set up a automation to use a momentry input switch to increase brightness and another input to dicrease brightness, again the bulb is still on when off but now i have to keep pressing the button several times to increase brightness instead of just holding the button. I also notice that the bulb starts to flicker at certain increases. can you explain whats going wrong please.
3: i have attached the photos to make sure it is all wired correctly.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Template for KC868-A4 Tasmota
Posted by: VascoTeixeira - 05-16-2023, 06:41 PM - Forum: KC868-A4 - Replies (9)

I am using this template {"NAME":"KC868-A4","GPIO":[32,0,227,0,224,225,0,0,0,1312,1,226,0,0,480,1152,0,1120,1056,1088,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,4706,4707,4704,4705],"FLAG":0,"BASE":1} ("https://blakadder.com/kincony-KC868-A4/").
 I am using everything except the 4 analogs; instead, I would like to use the digital inputs to connect 4 float switches ("https://www.amazon.es/-/pt/dp/B089VTDG7P/ref=asc_df_B089VTDG7P/?tag=ptgogshpadde-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=634424762838&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=12299730209074816985&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=20876&hvtargid=pla-943952460943&th=1").

Could you please assist me with the template?
Thx Vasco Teixeira

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  Application for free sample product
Posted by: ADEDAYO - 05-16-2023, 05:01 PM - Forum: Apply for free sample product - No Replies

Application condition A: free education.


As a project implementation engineer for Basscomm Nigeria Limited (with our head office in Lagos, Nigeria), I have experience in building automation using the SmartG4 system. I recently finished a project that automated the lighting and power of a building with great results.

I am interested in exploring other systems that use non-proprietary devices that can be controlled by a single controller. I want to set up a sample project at our office to demonstrate the product to our sales team and attract potential clients for building automation.

I hope to receive this product soon, install it successfully, and generate more business through this initiative.

Sincerely, Adedayo

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Lightbulb Free sample KC868-A4
Posted by: SmartGuard - 05-16-2023, 11:05 AM - Forum: Apply for free sample product - No Replies

Application condition A: free education.

Hello, I'm an electrician and system integrator based in Italy, one of my business is home automation, I already install different devices for wireless and wired automation systems, but I'm interested in trying and learning to use your product, because for what I have understood, if I can program it and use the right integrations I can create whatever solution I want. We as a company want to create an our complete solution for home automation, if I learn and like your product we can surely create a cooperation and buy more of your products in the future.

Waiting for a response, regards.

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  how to set firmware kc868-h32b
Posted by: jaydenaidan - 05-16-2023, 10:42 AM - Forum: KC868-HxB series Smart Controller - Replies (6)

[font=Söhne, ui-sans-serif, system-ui, -apple-system, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Ubuntu, Cantarell, 'Noto Sans', sans-serif, 'Helvetica Neue', Arial, 'Apple Color Emoji', 'Segoe UI Emoji', 'Segoe UI Symbol', 'Noto Color Emoji']If you are looking to set the firmware for the KC868-H32B device, as a professional proofreader in Canada I love to share something. here's a general guide to get you started. Begin by downloading the latest firmware from the manufacturer's website. Connect the KC868-H32B to your computer using a USB cable, ensuring a stable connection. Put the device into firmware update mode as per the provided instructions. Install the firmware update tool on your computer and open it. Select the downloaded firmware file within the tool and start the update process. Be patient and let the tool complete the update without any interruptions. Once finished, you'll be all set with the updated firmware for your KC868-H32B device. For detailed and device-specific instructions, consult the user manual or reach out to the manufacturer's support channels.

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  KC868-A4 controller
Posted by: Mkuzman - 05-15-2023, 04:17 PM - Forum: Apply for free sample product - No Replies

I would like to receive a free test sample of the KC868-A4 controller. I work as an electrician and would like to learn how to install a smart home controller. If my company likes the controller, we could cooperate and sell more products from you. I would greatly appreciate a free sample.
Thank you from Matija.

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  KC868-COLB V2.7 firmware support Tuya app
Posted by: admin - 05-15-2023, 07:18 AM - Forum: News - Replies (18)


1. after download firmware, board default set to STATIC IP= work as "TCP Server" mode.

2. Hold on Ethernet Mode button, when the [yellow and white LED] all is ON, release it, then work mode in “TCP Server” and IP by DHCP mode;

3. Hold on Ethernet Mode button, when the [yellow and white and blue LED] all is ON, release it, then work mode in “TCP Server” and IP ( by static mode;

firmware download: 
.zip   AD_COLB_V1_2_7_230515.zip (Size: 112.28 KB / Downloads: 246)

how to order tuya licence:

here is Tuya licence for "H32BS,H32B,COLB" firmware , it can let your board remote control by internet.

1:telll us your email, we will send the licence to your email

2:tell us your area(choose from :China/Westen US/Eastern US/Central Europe/Western Europe/India)

IMPORTANT: check for your tuya account, which REGION you have registered.

Check in your tuya or smart life mobile phone app: Me -- Settings -- Account and Security -- Region

according to the "Region" visit here (https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/o...i0ku9l07qb) to check your server location.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1928]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1929]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1930]   

if you really don't know how to check, just send us your tuya or smart life app account name, we will check for you.

3:tell us you model(choose from Kincony A4/A6/A8/A8S/A16/A32/A64/A128/E16S/AI/AK/H32BS/H32B/COLB)

4: The license has no time limit, and the tuya platform provides corresponding services and guarantees

5:Once sold, it cannot be returned or refund

6:One licence only for one product

Tuya internet cloud server locate in 6 positon in the world:
Location-A: China
Location-B: Western US
Location-C: Eastern US
Location-D: Central Europe
Location-E: Western Europe
Location-F: India

please tell us which server location your app account used. such as if your account is "Western Europe" ,tell us "Location-E: Western Europe".

if you want to order, please contact with us, you can pay by PayPal or Bank account. Every  Tuya licence for one board, 5usd/pc, no time limit.

Paypal account: hificat@163.com
after you paid 5usd, please send email to web@kincony.com add these information:
your paypal paid number and screen photo, board model, server-location and your email. such as:
KC868-A4 ,   Location-D: Central Europe   receive licence email: xxx@xxx.xx

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  KC868-H32BS V2.08sp firmware support Tuya app
Posted by: admin - 05-15-2023, 06:37 AM - Forum: News - Replies (10)

1. support use Tuya app for remote control OUTPUT and monitor INPUT state.
2. support TCP Server, TCP Client, UDP, MQTT, Tuya different protocol at the same time by ethernet.
such as you can use Home assistant (by mqtt) in local LAN network and Tuya app for remote monitor by internet.
3. add "MQTT send all" option. if "enabled" , MQTT state message will feedback all channel's information. if "disabled" , MQTT state message will feedback single channel's information.
4. support control by KC868-AK keyboard.
firmware download:

.zip   H32BS_V208SP_20230516.zip (Size: 142.09 KB / Downloads: 201)
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2428]   
how to order tuya licence:

here is Tuya licence for "H32BS,H32B,COLB" firmware , it can let your board remote control by internet.

1:telll us your email, we will send the licence to your email

2:tell us your area(choose from :China/Westen US/Eastern US/Central Europe/Western Europe/India)

IMPORTANT: check for your tuya account, which REGION you have registered.

Check in your tuya or smart life mobile phone app: Me -- Settings -- Account and Security -- Region

according to the "Region" visit here (https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/o...i0ku9l07qb) to check your server location.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=1928]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1929]    [Image: attachment.php?aid=1930]   

if you really don't know how to check, just send us your tuya or smart life app account name, we will check for you.

3:tell us you model(choose from Kincony A4/A6/A8/A8S/A16/A32/A64/A128/E16S/AI/AK/H32BS/H32B/COLB)

4: The license has no time limit, and the tuya platform provides corresponding services and guarantees

5:Once sold, it cannot be returned or refund

6:One licence only for one product

Tuya internet cloud server locate in 6 positon in the world:
Location-A: China
Location-B: Western US
Location-C: Eastern US
Location-D: Central Europe
Location-E: Western Europe
Location-F: India

please tell us which server location your app account used. such as if your account is "Western Europe" ,tell us "Location-E: Western Europe".

it's sell only from KinCony Aliexpress official online store: 


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  kc868-h32b pro works with which logical controller?
Posted by: lizan - 05-14-2023, 09:11 AM - Forum: KC868-Server Raspberry Pi4 local server - Replies (1)


i have kc868-h32b pro, which logical controller board is most compatible with it?

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